Meghan Markle court heartbreak: Giving up friends 'unacceptable price' for Duchess

MEGHAN MARKLE would be the victim of "cruel irony" were she required to give up the anonymity of the five friends who defended her on the pages of a US magazine in order to pursue her legal case against the publisher of the Mail on Sunday, the High Court has been told.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Meghan Markle and Harry 'can't have it both ways' says expert

Meghan's legal team appeared in front of the High Court today in a bid to keep the identity of five friends of the Duchess of Sussex secret in reports of the proceedings. These five friends anonymously talked with US magazine People in February last year, where they spoke out against the bullying they said Meghan has faced, discussed the Duchess' relationship with her estranged father Thomas Markle Snr and mentioned the letter later partially published by the Mail On Sunday.  

Their identities have been revealed in confidential court documents, but the Duchess of Sussex wants to make sure their names won't appear in records of the proceedings to make sure they won't be named by the press. 

Meghan's lawyers argued in court documents that her friends, referred to as A, B, C, D and E, have the right to remain anonymous. 

Justin Rushbrooke QC, representing the Duchess, said in written submissions to the court: "To force the claimant, as the defendant urges this court to do, to disclose their identities to the public at this stage would be to exact an unacceptably high price for pursuing her claim for invasion of privacy against the defendant in respect of its disclosure of the letter. 

"On her case, which will be tried in due course, the defendant has been guilty of a flagrant and unjustified intrusion into her private and family life. 

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Meghan Markle is suing Associated Newspapers (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan Markle launched her legal bid against Associated Newspapers in October last year (Image: GETTY)

"Given the close factual nexus between the letter and the events leading up to the defendant's decision to publish its contents, it would be a cruel irony were she required to pay that price before her claim has even been determined."

Mr Rushbrooke added: "The friends are not parties to this action, but unwilling participants.

"At this early stage of the litigation it cannot be said with certainty that they would be witnesses at the trial."  

Meghan's legal team also rejected the claim made by the Associated Newspapers' lawyers stating Meghan had "compromised" her friends' right to privacy "by putting their names into a public court document". 

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Meghan Markle wrote a letter to her father Thomas Markle Snr in August 2018 (Image: GETTY)

Mr Rushbrooke added: "It is bad enough that the position was taken in correspondence, but it is disappointing to see it persisted with in written submissions (by ANL) put before the court."

He continued: "The true position is, let there be no doubt about it, that the claimant has done nothing of the sort. It was the defendant who made the interviews with People relevant.

"It was the defendant who forced the claimant to identify the names of the five friends in a court document by serving a request for further information that required those names to be given and, for her part, we submit that the claimant has done what she reasonably and sensibly could to protect their confidentiality and privacy rights." 


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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry now live in Los Angeles (Image: GETTY)

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Meghan Markle was not at today's hearing (Image: GETTY)

Lawyers representing Associated Newspapers, the publisher of the Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail and MailOnline, are resisting the application to keep the identities of Meghan's friends secret.

They claim these five friends were the ones who first brought the private letter written by Meghan to her estranged father into the public domain by referring to for the first time in the People interview. 

The publisher's lawyer, Antony White QC, said in a written submission to the court: "The friends are important potential witnesses on a key issue.

"Reporting these matters without referring to names would be a heavy curtailment of the media's and the defendant's entitlement to report this case and the public's right to know about it. 

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stepped down as senior royals in March (Image: EXPRESS)

"No friend's oral evidence could be fully and properly reported because full reporting might identify her, especially as there has already been media speculation as to their identities." 

Mr White added Meghan's lawyers are seeking an order which would leave the Duchess of Sussex free to disclose the names of her friends to anyone, including other members of the press, while barring Associated Newspapers' titles from publishing their identities.  

The Duchess of Sussex has previously denied she knew her friends were going to give an interview to People magazine and rejected the claims made by the Associated Newspapers' lawyers she "caused or permitted" the article to be published. 

In a witness statement submitted as part of today's application earlier this month, Meghan herself took the side of her five anonymous friends.  

She said: "Associated Newspapers, the owner of the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday, is threatening to publish the names of five women - five private citizens - who made a choice on their own to speak anonymously with a US media outlet more than a year ago, to defend me from the bullying behaviour of Britain's tabloid media. 

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Five of Meghan Markle's friends spoke to People magazine in February 2019 (Image: GETTY)

"These five women are not on trial, and nor am I. The publisher of the Mail on Sunday is the one on trial. It is this publisher that acted unlawfully and is attempting to evade accountability, to create a circus and distract from the point of this case - that the Mail on Sunday unlawfully published my private letter.

"Each of these women is a private citizen, young mother, and each has a basic right to privacy."

Meghan is suing Associated Newspapers for alleged misuse of private information, copyright infringement and breach of the Data Protection Act after the Mail On Sunday published extracts of the handwritten letter she sent to her father in August 2018. 

The publisher wholly denies these allegations. 

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