Royal boost: Queen reopens doors of beloved estate to tourists - but just for one weekend

QUEEN ELIZABETH II is opening the doors of one of her most beloved estates to visitors - but only for a couple of days.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

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The Queen's residences have all been shut down to visitors in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. However, one residence is attempting to tentatively reopen parts of its estate, starting from the gardens. 

The Sandringham estate, the Norfolk home beloved by the Queen and her late father King George VI, is to reopen its gardens to the public only for the upcoming weekend.

Only people who bought tickets in advance will be allowed to enter, a statement from the estate said.

At the time of writing, tickets are still available on the Sandringham Estate website.

Other areas of Sandringham House remain closed in line with the Government guidelines, the statement added. 

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The Queen is opening the doors of the gardens of the Sandringham Estate (Image: GETTY)

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The gardens at Sandringham will be open to the public only on June 12-13 (Image: GETTY)

It read: "Whilst Sandringham House remains closed due to the current Government guidelines, you can still enjoy our Country Park and the formal Gardens.

"The formal Gardens will reopen for Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th June only with limited, advanced tickets."

Other facilities usually accessible to the public are to remain shut over the weekend, the statement warned.

It said: "Sandringham Transport Museum, St Mary Magdalene Church, Cafe and Gift Shop remain closed as do facilities within the Gardens - toilets and small tearoom will also remain closed. 

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Every year, the Queen spends her winter break at Sandringham (Image: GETTY)

 "Plans to open our refurbished Sandringham Gift shop for Monday 16th June from 10am - 4pm are now in place.

"Thank you for your patience as we work together to re-open Sandringham in a safe and responsible way during these difficult times."

The reopening of the gardens at Sandringham is in line with the Government guidelines, which state parks can be visited as long as a two-metre distance is maintained at all time between people who are not members of the same household.


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The Queen is self isolating at Windsor Castle (Image: GETTY)

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The Queen's father King George VI loved the Sandringham estate (Image: GETTY)

This decision to reopen the gardens only for a weekend comes as Boris Johnson prepares to further ease restrictions.

On June 1, all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 were allowed to return to school.

Car showrooms and outdoor markets were also given the go-ahead, while some dental practices have been allowed to reopen to the public last Monday.

Next week, all non-essential shops able to guarantee self-distancing measures will be respected on their premises will also reopen if the coronavirus transmission rate remains under one. 

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The Queen ascended to the throne in 1952 (Image: EXPRESS)

The Queen's finances are being dealt a hard blow by the coronavirus pandemic.

As revealed in a leaked email sent to staff at the Royal Household by the Lord Chamberlain, residences have been taking emergency measures to stop the haemorrhage of cash created by the forced closure.

According to The Sun, the email sent by the current Lord Chamberlain, Earl Peel, read: "The crisis has already tested our resilience, adaptability and preparedness in many ways and at all levels across the organisation.

"It has also had a significant impact on the activities of the whole Royal Household.

“Although the UK appears to be over the peak of infections, it remains unclear when measures such as social distancing will come to an end.

“We must, therefore, assume it could still be many weeks, if not months before we are able to return to business as usual.   

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The Queen Mother and the King riding across the grounds at Sandringham to inspect the harvest (Image: GETTY)

“There are undoubtedly very difficult times ahead and we realise many of you will be concerned.

“The Royal Household, like most organisations, is not immune to the impact of the pandemic on our financial position.

“Many projects have been halted and all but essential expenditure has been suspended.

“A recruitment freeze has been implemented and no new posts will be appointed unless a very clear business case exists.

“This year’s annual pay review has also been paused.” 

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