Prince Philip remains 'ever conscious of his duty' and his role despite being retired

PRINCE PHILIP remains "ever conscious of his duty" and, despite having retired three years ago, his work continues to have an important impact on the country, a royal expert said.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Prince Philip's coronavirus statement analysed by royal expert

publicly stepped out of his well-earned retirement earlier this week to send a poignant message of thanks and support to key workers. This move, which has been appreciated by fans of the family across the UK, is a testament to the Duke of Edinburgh's lifelong commitment to the country and the Crown, according to a royal commentator. 

In fact, this letter marked just the most recent and public way in which Prince Philip continues to help the Crown, the expert said.

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told "The Duke’s message on the eve of the Queen’s birthday meant a great deal to a nation which has not forgotten the decades of public service when, as the Queen’s Consort, he created a role with links to charities which helped so many.

"His Awards Scheme is a wonderful example of this and it has benefited millions since he founded it in 1956.

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Prince Philip is turning 99 this June (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Philip has served the country and the Crown for more than 70 years (Image: GETTY)

"He has chosen which royal functions he feels able to attend since he retired.

"He has had periods of indifferent health and our thoughts will be with him as he nears his 99th birthday in June.

"We know that, ever conscious of his duty in a role he would never have chosen, his thoughts will also be with us."

READ MORE: Prince Philip and Queen: How Queen relies on Duke's 'sage advice'

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Prince Philip and the Queen in their official engagement picture taken at Buckingham Palace in 1947 (Image: GETTY)

The Duke of Edinburgh has also served the Crown behind the scenes by being the Queen's most trusted advisor for more than 70 years.

Mr Fitzwilliams said: "The Queen has had the benefit of his advice since he retired, but he has been based at Wood Farm on the Sandringham Estate most of the time with periods at Windsor.

"She will be delighted to have him with her during this crisis."


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Prince Philip on his last engagement in August 2017 (Image: GETTY)

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Prince Philip is one of the Queen's most trusted advisors (Image: GETTY)

The Duke of Edinburgh and the Queen arrived at Windsor Castle on March 19, a few days before Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued his lockdown measures on March 23.

The Queen and Prince Philip's health during the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be a source of worries for members of their extended family.

In a recent interview, Prince William said: "Obviously I think very carefully about my grandparents who are the age they're at.

"We're doing everything we can to make sure that they're isolated away and protected from this."    

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Prince Philip is self isolating with the Queen at Windsor Castle (Image: EXPRESS)

Prince Philip, who spent four nights in a London hospital in December last year, also remains the patron of hundreds of charities and associations close to his heart and, as he has shown with his latest statement, his commitment to them likely remains unchanged despite having stepped down from royal duties.

Mr Fitzwilliams added: "The Duke, despite being in retirement, has remained attached to over 750 organisations."

In his statement, Prince Philip acknowledged the importance of key workers, not just NHS staff but also those who allow Britons to live a life as normal as possible during the coronavirus pandemic. 

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Prince Philip served in the Navy between 1939 and 1952 (Image: GETTY)

He said: "As we approach World Immunisation Week, I wanted to recognise the vital and urgent work being done by so many to tackle the pandemic; by those in the medical and scientific professions, at universities and research institutions, all united in working to protect us from COVID-19.

"On behalf of those of us who remain safe and at home, I also wanted to thank all key workers who ensure the infrastructure of our life continues; the staff and volunteers working on food production and distribution, those keeping postal and delivery services going, and those ensuring the rubbish continues to be collected."

Prince Philip joined the Royal Family in 1947 by marrying the then heir apparent to the throne and renounced to his career in the Navy to be a full-time working royal following the death of King George VI.

He stepped down as working royal after carrying out his last royal engagements on the grounds of Buckingham Palace on August 2 2017.   

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