Royal baby SHOCKER: When was baby Archie born? Did Prince Harry SLIP UP on date?

MEGHAN MARKLE and Prince Harry announced their son’s arrival a week ago, on Monday, May 6 - but did Prince Harry slip up when talking about baby Archie’s birth date?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

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Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor arrived on Monday, May 6, and he was revealed to the public on Wednesday, May 8. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry spoke at their delight to have their son, whose name they later revealed. The new parents couldn’t hide their joy and were all smiles as they spoke about their newborn.

But did Harry slip up when speaking about Archie’s birth date?

During the interview as the world first met baby Archie, Harry was asked who his son most resembled.

He responded: “Everyone says that babies change so much over two weeks, so we’re sort of monitoring how this changing process happens over this next month really.

“But his looks are changing every single day so who knows.”

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Royal baby SHOCK

Royal baby SHOCK: Did Prince Harry slip up? (Image: GETTY)

He added: “Parenting has been amazing it’s only been what two-and-a-half days, three days but we’re just so thrilled.”

It was this two-week comment that saw confused royal fans take to social media.

Some had misunderstood what Prince Harry had said and took him to mean the baby was two weeks old.

One tweeted: “Is it just me or did Harry just slip up by saying baby has changed in 2 weeks??”

Royal baby SHOCK

Royal baby SHOCK: Archie Harrison was born on Monday, May 6, 2019 (Image: GETTY)

Another confused fan wrote: “Prince Harry says the baby has changed so much in the last two weeks… or did I hear it wrong?”

A third said: “How old is Prince Harry and Meghan’s son? Did he just say he’s changed so much in two weeks?”

However, Meghan gave birth to baby Archie on Monday, May 6 at 5.26am - just two days before the interview.

The couple presented their son to the world at St George’s Hall at Windsor Castle just before the Queen met him.

Royal baby SHOCK

Royal baby SHOCK: Baby Archie was revealed to the world two days after he was born (Image: GETTY)

Baby Archie is just over one week old, and Harry meant he would change in the weeks to come.

Meghan described becoming a mother as “magic” saying: “I have the two best guys in the world, so I’m really happy.”

She continued by saying their firstborn has the “sweetest temperament” adding “he’s the dream” with a smiling Harry adding “I wonder where he gets that from.”

Harry added: “We are just so thrilled to have our own bundle of joy.”

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