Jeremy Corbyn pressured by leftist Momentum to give members a VOTE on Labour Brexit policy

JEREMY Corbyn is being pressured by leftist campaign group Momentum to give members the chance to debate and vote on the Brexit policy of Labour - despite the move potentially exposing the division within the party and embarrassing its eurosceptic leader.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Labour's Creagh and Gwynne row over staying in single market

The demand for a greater democracy over the decision-making process on Brexit comes from the core movement behind the Labour leader, which has been deemed “unacceptable” in maintaining the debate on the withdrawal from the EU a matter reserved to the leadership.

Despite a spokesman for Momentum saying the hard-left group backed Mr Corbyn's view on Brexit, it wants to see the right of voting on the important issue to both its delegates and trade unions.

Momentum wants the debate to take place at the party conference in Liverpool in September, a month before parliament is set to vote on the outcome of negotiations between PM Theresa May and Brussels.

Comparing the way decisions are being taken now with what was happening during Tony Blair’s years, Rida Vaquas, a former member of Momentum’s national coordinating group, said: “The left has always stood against stage-managed conferences from the days of Blair, where decisions of substance are made behind closed doors whilst party members are given no chances to have robust debates on the direction of our party. 

On an issue as big as this it would be unacceptable if we decided to determine our policy behind closed doors

Momentum member Omar Raii

“A Corbyn-led Labour party can only be strengthened by vigorous discussion among our own ranks, on our political differences as well as what unites us.

“How we approach Brexit is an issue of decisive importance and it is therefore only right it is debated at conference.

“Socialists can never succeed by dodging political questions, only by facing them head on.”

And Momentum member Omar Raii, who sits on the London Young Labour committee, said: “On an issue as big as this it would be unacceptable if we decided to determine our policy behind closed doors. 

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Brexit news: Jeremy Corbyn granting Labour's members the right to vote over Brexit may backfire (Image: GETTY)

“It would be the worst kind of Blairite approach.”

But the decision of letting a debate spark over the position of the party on Brexit could backfire and further expose the party’s division over the European Union.

The Trade Union Congress is expected to intensify its demands for the party to back remaining within the single market in the coming months, a position that is backed by many Labour MPs, peers and pro-EU members, despite the leadership ruling out against it. 

brexit news jeremy corbyn labour party momentum single market trade union

Brexit news: Momentum is asking to have a debate over Labour Brexit policy at the party's conference (Image: GETTY)

Mr Corbyn is seeing a number of acts of disobedience over the single market.

Earlier this month, more than 40 Labour supporters sitting in the House of Lords defied his order to abstain from backing a cross-party amendment which sought to soften Brexit by keeping Britain in the European Economic Area (EEA).

And students unions representing almost one million people studying in the UK signed a statement calling for a second referendum on the final deal negotiated by Mrs May.

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