‘Arch-Eurocrat’ Barnier wants EU superstate - and Starmer won’t stop him, warns Brexiteer

EXCLUSIVE: Ann Widdecombe says Michel Barnier has made no secret of his desire to see Britain punished for voting to leave the EU eight years ago.

By Ciaran McGrath, Senior News Reporter

Michel Barnier and UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer

Michel Barnier and UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer (Image: GETTY)

Sir Keir Starmer has signalled his desire for closer relations with Brussels - but new French Prime Minister Michel Barnier is an arch-Eurocrat hell-bent on turning the European Union into a continent-wide “superstate”, Brexiteer Ann Widdecombe has warned.

The former Tory minister and Brexit Party MEP believes the warning signs are there for all to see, given the EU’s former chief Brexit negotiator was clear from the outset that Britain needs to be taught a lesson to discourage other members of the EU27 from deserting the bloc.

Mr Barnier - who himself sought the French Presidency last year - was appointed by Emmanuel Macron on Thursday after weeks of speculation following the resignation of Gabriel Attal. Mr Attal stepped down after a snap general election which saw far-right parties make significant gains in the country’s National Assembly.

The 73-year-old will be a familiar figure for anyone who followed the protracted and frequently acrimonious negotiations between the UK and the EU after the 2016 referendum.

Speaking four years ago in the European Parliament, Mr Barnier suggested Britain would have to face a potential punishment clause with "consequences" if it sought to close its fishing grounds to EU vessels.

Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe says Michel Barnier wants to see an EU 'superstate' (Image: GETTY)

Three years earlier, he characterised the process as an opportunity to "teach" the people of the UK British people and others what leaving the single market meant.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage was characteristically scathing about Mr Barnier’s new job, describing him as "an EU fanatic that will suit sell-out Starmer”.

Ms Widdecombe, a member of Reform who turned down the chance to run for Parliament again on July 4, agreed.

She told Express.co.uk: "Of course Starmer will see this as a chance to cosy up to Brussels.

Gabriel Attal Emmanuel Macron

Gabriel Attal, also appointed by President Emmanuel Macron, has handed over his job to Mr Barnier (Image: GETTY)

She continued: "Barnier made it crystal clear during the whole process that we should be punished for leaving as a deterrent to others.

"Barnier is the arch-eurocrat. He is totally committed to an EU superstate and makes no secret of the fact that he thought we should get a very bad deal - he was quite open about it all.

"And this chimes well with Starmer’s talk of a realignment with Brussels or whatever he wants to call it.

"But whatever it is, Starmer will do his best to get governments to sign up for deals, which future governments will find it hard to get out of - although they are going to have to.”

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage has said Mr Barnier's appointment will 'suit' the PM (Image: GETTY)

Barnier did in fact tip Sir Keir for Number 10 as long ago as 2018, writing in his diary: "I get the feeling that Keir Starmer will one day be UK Prime Minister."

Asked about Mr Barnier’s appointment yesterday, a Downing Street spokeswoman said: "We wish him all the best in his new role. The UK enjoys a strong relationship with France.

"The PM visited Paris just last week, and we are committed to working collaboratively on our shared priorities, from tackling illegal migration to supporting Ukraine and delivering sustainable economic growth."

She added: "We want to reset our relations with the EU and make Brexit work better for British people.

"And we are also resetting our relations with European countries at a bilateral level."

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