Boris Johnson urged to hit campaign trail in Clacton to help beat Nigel Farage

One of the former PM's biggest critics has called for him to campaign in Clacton where Nigel Farage is standing.

By Katie Harris, Political Reporter

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage (Image: GETTY)

Boris Johnson has been urged to hit the campaign trail in Clacton ahead of the General Election to help beat Nigel Farage and clear the way for a political comeback.

Former Tory MP David Gauke admitted he is "not a fan" of the ex-prime minister but said he has "two attributes that can be viewed positively".

He highlighted Mr Johnson's staunch support for Ukraine and his "ability to connect with a section of the electorate".

Writing in the New Statesman, Mr Gauke said: "This is why Johnson has an opportunity to do his party and even his country some service.

"With less than a week to go until polling day, Johnson should make his way to the Essex constituency and campaign for the Conservative candidate, Giles Watling, against his challenger, Nigel Farage."

Mr Gauke added: "Imagine the scene as Johnson went walkabout in the town centre, bringing his own version of celebrity politics to the constituency, glad-handing voters, bantering with market traders, flirting with old dears, dodging banana milkshakes. It would be just like old times."

The ex-Tory MP said Reform leader Mr Farage has to be defeated if Mr Johnson is to have "any hope" of a political comeback.

Mr Gauke conceded the former premier may be cautious about making such an intervention in the Essex seat as if Mr Farage wins it could make him " look like the vanquished party".

But he added: "Surely there is a case for boldness, for smiting the Putin-appeasers off the political map, for demonstrating to the Tory party what they lost when removing him (wisely, in my view, but let us not return to that), for re-establishing himself as the colossus of the right. Come on, Boris, seize the moment, be the Great Man, and get yourself to Clacton!"

It comes as polls have suggested Mr Farage is on course to win the Essex constituency on July 4.

But the ex-Ukip leader has faced criticism for claiming the West provoked Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, while his party has been forced to drop a string of candidates in racism rows.

Meanwhile, there has been ongoing speculation that Mr Johnson will one day make a return to frontline politics following his exit from No 10 in 2022.

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