Man charged after cup of wet cement chucked at Nigel Farage during Reform campaign event

Josh Greally, 28, has been charged after the Reform UK leader had the cement thrown at him when he was campaigning in Barnsley.

By Hannah Kane, Deputy News Editor

Nigel Farage in Barnsley

Nigel Farage had wet cement thrown at him in Barnsley (Image: PA)

A man has been charged after a cup full of wet cement was chucked at Nigel Farage during a campaign event.

Josh Greally, 28, has been charged with using threatening behaviour towards the Reform UK leader while he was campaigning in Barnsley, South Yorkshire Police said.

Mr Farage was on board the campaign bus shaking his fist to acknowledge cheers from crowds below when an object appeared to strike the vehicle.

He has been pcitured raising his arm to cover his face - the object missed him. Police swooped into arrest a man following the incident.

It comes just days after the Brexiteer had a milkshake thrown over him in Clacton, Essex, when he launched his campaign to run for the seat in the General Election.

Mr Farage issued a defiant statement in the wake of the alleged attack.

He said: "My huge thanks to South Yorkshire Police today. I will not be bullied or cowed by a violent left-wing mob who hate our country."

Following the incident, South Yorkshire Police said: "We have arrested a 28-year-old man on suspicion of public order offences following disorder in Barnsley town centre today.

"It is believed that the man threw objects from a nearby construction area. A suspect was quickly detained and remains in police custody."

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