Reform UK's party membership explodes as Nigel Farage warns: 'This is only the start'

The Brexit architect's return to the helm has prompted thousands of people to join the insurgent party.

By Katie Harris, Political Reporter

Nigel Farage announces he's standing in General Election

More than 7,000 new members have signed up to Reform UK since Nigel Farage's bombshell comeback, according to the party. The Brexit architect revealed on Monday that he was returning as leader and would stand in Clacton-on-Sea in the General Election.

A Reform UK spokesman said 7,500 people have paid the £25 fee to sign up as a member for a year since Mr Farage's announcement.

The spokesman added: "This is only the start. As people realise that the Tories have lost this election and that voting for them and their desperately cobbled together policies are irrelevant, we expect that number to significantly increase in coming weeks and months."

Lee Anderson, Reform's candidate for Ashfield, added: "Nigel Farage's announcement to stand is the best-ever recruiting technique to boost the ranks of the people's army. Reform UK are now firmly on the march to help take back our country."

Nigel Farage

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has returned to frontline politics (Image: Getty)

Mr Farage's comeback is a major headache for Rishi Sunak as the Prime Minister battles to close a double-digit polling gap with Labour.

A YouGov survey earlier this week put the rebranded Brexit Party just two points behind the Conservatives, on 17 percent and 19 percent respectively.

Mr Farage initially ruled out running after Mr Sunak called a surprise summer ballot on July 4.

But he announced he would take over as leader of Reform from Richard Tice and contest Clacton in a stunning U-turn on Monday.

The former UK Independence Party leader said he felt a "terrible sense of guilt" over the weekend and wanted to lead a "political revolt".

Hundreds of people turned out as the Brexit architect launched his campaign in the Essex town on Tuesday.

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