Nigel Farage outlines exactly how long it will take Reform UK to beat Tories in the polls

New party leader Nigel Farage has predicted when Reform UK will be level with the Conservatives in the polls.

By Michael Knowles, Home Affairs and Defence Editor

Nigel Farage To Stand In General Election As The New Leader Of Reform UK

Nigel Farage has warned the UK is 'doomed' if it keeps relying on cheap foreign labour (Image: Getty)

Nigel Farage has declared Reform UK could be level with the Conservatives “within a week”.

The new Reform UK leader again attacked the Tories’ record on immigration, declaring there has been an “addiction to cheap, foreign labour”.

He said the UK is “doomed” if companies continue to rely on net migration of 600,000 people a year

Mr Farage told GB News: “I’ll tell you something, if we need more than 600,000 people a year, we're doomed. Doomed. We're finished. There will be no public services. Nothing will be left. The fabric of society will be gone. Could [health and social care] cope with 600,000 migrants?

Nigel Farage To Stand In General Election As The New Leader Of Reform UK

Nigel Farage has predicted Reform UK could be ahead of the Conservatives within a week (Image: Getty)


Rishi Sunak is under pressure to cut net migration (Image: Getty)

“600,000 people a year would still come in under current numbers on net zero migration. So a lot of people. We've had this addiction to cheap, foreign labour, unskilled labour, and the bigger the company, the more reliant on it they are. That doesn't work for anybody.

“I think two things will happen. I think one, the Conservatives will realise, even without me, they were doomed. It was interesting. There was a big MRP poll putting the Tories way down.

“So everyone knows that the election's over in terms of who wins. But I think what will happen, this is my guess, is that from here, we will take equally from the Conservatives, from Labour, and also from non voters.

“I would think within a week we’d be equal with the Conservatives and maybe even ahead.”

Mr Farage dramatically entered the general election race after becoming the shock new leader of Reform UK.

The Brexiteer pledged to lead a "political revolt" as he made a stunning return to frontline politics.

Dropping the bombshell that he will run for Parliament in Clacton-on-Sea, Mr Farage said the country was sick of “sectarian politics” driven by mass immigration.

The announcement is a major headache for Rishi Sunak as battles to claw back ground on Labour.


It will be the eighth time Mr Farage, 60, has stood at an election although he has never been successful in becoming an MP.

He said he would lead the party for the next five years, making clear he wants to overtake the Tories as the Opposition and potentially be in power by 2029.

Mr Farage also told GB News: “There is a buzz out there. There is something happening, particularly among young people, that I found very interesting. But the thing that really got me were, the number of people saying, 'but why are you not standing?' And they look at you, and you give a response, and they look at you as if to say, 'you've let me down.' I began to feel guilty about it.

“That people's army that I built up in the UKIP days, the referendum days: millions of people who'd been with me for a long, long time were feeling that I was letting them down, and that feeling of guilt made me think, you know what? I can't just leave them on their own.

“I said I would do my bit in the general election campaign and then spend more time in America.

“I'd never thought of [being Britain’s Trump] in my life. You know why? Some things cross the Atlantic. Others don't.

“Richard [Tice] said [he wanted net zero immigration]. At least he's not lying. I just saw a clip on the news of Rishi Sunak that confirmed what I'd done today was right.

“If you want lower taxes, vote Conservative. Really? You want to lower immigration, vote Conservative. Really? You want to stop the boats, vote Conservative. Really?

“All they're doing is lying to the public.”

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