POLL: Should the UK hire more barges to tackle migrant crisis?

Ministers are said to be looking at hiring more barges but do you support increasing the number of vessels? Vote and join in the debate below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Bibby Stockholm: Legionella bacteria in water on migrant barge

The UK Government is reportedly and tackle Britain’s despite setbacks to the opening of the Bibby Stockholm vessel.

The 39 asylum seekers living on the Bibby Stockholm in Dorset were after Legionella was found in the barge’s water system.

Ministers are said to be looking at purchasing more barges to house migrants and end their reliance on hotels.

Housing more than 500 asylum seekers on the Bibby Stockholm will help to reduce the £6million a day currently being spent on hotel bills for those waiting for the outcome of applications.

The Telegraph reports that the Government intends to increase its fleet of floating barges alongside housing asylum seekers in office and student accommodation blocks.

Bibby Stockholm barge

POLL: Should the UK hire more barges to tackle migrant crisis? (Image: Getty)


Former minister Sir John Hayes told the publication: “It’s important to get these people out of hotels because of the immense cost to the taxpayer and the fact many of my constituents would rightly be resentful that they are being put up in hotels they couldn’t afford to stay in if they chose to.

“I’m in favour of concentrating arrivals and the barges are a great idea. Other accommodation is desirable too.”

Tory MP Craig Mackinlay said the use of alternative accommodation could help reduce the number of small boat crossings. He said: “This type of accommodation, whether it’s office blocks, ex-student accommodation or floating barges, can’t do any harm as a deterrent effect.”

Yet former Brexit secretary David Davis told Radio 4's Today programme: “It's not a solution to the problem and all of this is going to go on until the Home Office is able to process these arrivals more quickly.”

So what do YOU think? Should the UK hire more barges to tackle the migrant crisis? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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