POLL: Should Britons open their homes to migrants to solve the crisis?

A senior Tory has backed a study calling for Britons to welcome Channel migrants into their own homes to cut the cost of hotel bills, but do you agree? Vote and join in the debate.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Channel crossings hit 12,000 for 2023 after record daily total

Former Secretary of State Sir Brandon Lewis has urged Britons to open up their homes to travelling across The Chanel in an effort to reduce the £2.2billion annual cost of housing asylum seekers in hotels.

The senior Conservative MP has backed a report from thinktank Policy Exchange which claims that the “galvanisation of voluntary spirit” in a Ukraine-style sponsorship scheme could cut housing costs. In a foreword, Sir Brandon wrote: “We must do more to galvanise community efforts, such as by expanding the sponsorship model for Ukrainian refugees to other nationalities – so that the burden of supporting refugees is spread evenly, rather than falling on the poorest.”

Policy Exchange says that the current system is “not only too expensive but also too statist”, calling Britons to put their money where their mouth is and stop housing migrants in hotels and barges in poorer areas.

It adds: “The key to better sharing the load with wealthier parts of ‘progressive liberal Britain’ – relatively pro-refugee areas which tend to have higher housing costs – is galvanising voluntary spirit.” It also urged the Government to prioritise women and children refugees.

Brandon Lewis

POLL: Should Britons open their homes to migrants to solve the crisis? (Image: PA)

Sir Brandon noted that such a move should be implemented alongside robust measures to end illegal Channel crossings, adding that it is “vital” the Government’s Illegal Migrant Bill isn’t “watered down”.

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More than 12,000 migrants have arrived in the UK on small boats so far this year, with Home Office figures showing some 686 people made the journey last Friday, July 7, alone.

So what do YOU think? Should Britons open their homes to migrants to solve the crisis? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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