Kemi Badenoch urged to resign over EU laws climbdown – YOUR VIEW

Three-quarters of readers think that the Business Secretary should resign after she insisted that she made the decision to cut back on abolishing EU laws.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch hits back at Tory MP critics

Business Secretary has taken responsibility for scaling back plans to revoke just by the end of the year instead of the 4,800 promised.

Former minister David Mellor warned that the U-turn on the so-called bonfire could impact Ms Badenoch’s political career prospects, telling GB News: “She’s committing [career] suicide. She breaks all of the rules in the book.

“First of all she says it is her responsibility and nothing to do with the Prime Minister which I thought was amazing, but also, they came out of the EU due to the argument that the EU is full of red tape and Britain was going to sail the oceans of the world free from all of this.”

He continued: “Now she’s saying, ‘the constraints aren’t too bad and we’re not going to lose too many of them’. This is defiance. Kemi Badenoch is obviously bright and she has certainly has self-confidence, which can be a great thing, but it can also be a destroyer of people’s careers, and I think she has too much self-confidence.”

A has found that three-quarters of readers think that Ms Badenoch should resign over the Brexit climbdown.

READ MORE: Senior Brexiteer slams Badenoch over EU law U-turn

Kemi Badenoch

Three-quarters of readers think that Kemi Badenoch should resign over the Brexit bonfire (Image: Getty)

Ms Badenoch said she had listened to businesses’ concerns and that her priority was “to tackle the red tape that holds back UK firms, reduces their competitiveness in global markets and hampers their growth”.

In a poll that ran from 3.30pm on Monday, May 15, to 10.30am on Wednesday, May 17, : “Should Kemi Badenoch resign over Brexit bonfire?”

A total of 3,392 readers responded, with the majority, 75 percent (2,548 people), answering “yes” she should resign. In contrast, 23 percent (787 people) said “no” while two percent (57 people) said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Rishi Sunak

Some readers thought that Rishi Sunak should take responsibility for the climbdown (Image: Getty)

Many readers thought that Ms Badenoch should resign, with username justmy2cents writing: “Yes! No doubt about it.”

Similarly, username pauldenton said: “She should resign if she wants to preserve her reputation.”

Other readers thought that the responsibility should lie with Mr Sunak. Username petemidlands commented: “It should be Sunak that resigns, he's in charge. He must have ordered that most of the rules to stay.”

Another, username ghenghis1, agreed writing: “if its her decision then yes, if it's an instruction from Sunak then no.”

Meanwhile, some commented that Ms Badenoch should be “sacked without the chance to resign”.

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