Rishi Sunak’s leadership blasted as ‘all talk and no action’ – YOUR VERDICT

A new Express.co.uk poll has shown widespread disapproval towards Rishi Sunak's first 100 days as Prime Minister.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Piers Morgan grills Rishi Sunak on new immigration law

Prime Minister marked 100 days in office last week. Despite setting out his priorities as inflation, national debt, the economy, immigration and the NHS he had failed to win support among Express.co.uk readers, with a new poll showing over three-quarters think he is not doing well.

Mr Sunak’s premiership started on October 25 after his predecessor resigned after just six weeks. He served as an MP for his Yorkshire constituency of Richmond since 2015 and was a member of the cabinet for two years before his appointment as Prime Minister.

Mr Sunak obtained his position with the ’s backing and has no public mandate. He has spent the first few months of his premiership restoring the economic damage left by Ms Truss, faced with the worst strikes in Britain since the 1980s, and his party continues to struggle with sleaze allegations.

One ministerial ally said: “What we have managed to do is stabilise the economy and get that back on track. Now we have to have laser focus on delivering on those five priorities.”

Writing in The Sun to mark his hundredth day in office he pledged for voters not to judge him on his current performance, but on how he does in the run-up until a general election.

READ MORE: What the numbers suggest about Sunak's longevity as he marks 100 days

Rishi Sunak at Teesside University

Some 77 percent of Express.co.uk readers think Rishi Sunak is not doing well 100 days in (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 11.30am on Thursday, February 2, to 7.45am on Monday, February 6, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Do you think Rishi Sunak is doing well after 100 days in office?”

Overall, 9,206 votes were cast, with the vast majority of readers, 77 percent (7,090 people), answering “no” he is not doing well.

Whereas 21 percent (1,900 people) said “yes” he was, and a further two percent (216 people) said they did not know either way.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the start of Mr Sunak’s premiership.

The overall response towards Mr Sunak was negative, with many arguing that he has not made an impact in his first 100 days. Username Tilly2017 said: “We have yet to see him actually do anything.”

Similarly, username Beanyboy2802 wrote: “No, he hasn't had a very good first 100 days. He's done practically nothing, and only recently started to actually make any movement. He has a mountain to climb if he wants to win the next general election.”

Username sam the man said: “At this moment he is all talk and no action.”

And username Stuart of Sky added: “I don't think he is doing well or doing badly because he has done nothing at all other than sit on his hands.”


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Rishi Sunak sets out his priorities

Rishi Sunak has set out five priorities (Image: Getty)

Rishi Sunak gives first address as Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak was appointed as Prime Minister on October 25, 2022 (Image: Getty)

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Lord Frost has warned Rishi Sunak has three "big problems" facing him.

The former Brexit minister highlighted Channel migrant crossings, extending a proposed ban on conversion therapy to include transgender people, and the ongoing row over the Northern Ireland Protocol as major challenges facing the Prime Minister.

Other readers thought Mr Sunak was performing well in comparison to his recent predecessors. Username letthemeatsovereignty commented: “He's doing brilliantly – twice as long as Truss.”

Username T.Jones said: “Actually considering he has filled the Truss mess and some of Boris’ hiccups. I think he has the brains to get this country back together. People just need to give him a break

In reply, username zenoux56777 wrote: “I agree with you. Rome wasn't built in a day.”

Username criticalthoughts remarked: “Very hard job and is making progress, so yes.”

Rishi Sunak first cabinet meeting

The Conservative Party trail Labour by 21 points in the latest Techne UK tracker poll (Image: Getty)

Years spent as MP before becoming Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak has served as an MP since 2015 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Meanwhile, other readers had a more balanced outlook towards Mr Sunak, with username DaveAnderson writing: “He is the best of a sorry bunch on both sides.”

Username Oldreo said: “Doing OK but the next 100 days will be the true test as he can not promise and stall for the next two years and still stay in power. He needs to do something decisive!”

And username BritishEmpireman1945 said: “He is not doing so bad after one hundred days in office as he will be after two hundred days in office.”

The latest Techne UK tracker poll of 1,624 voters between January 26 and 27 shows Mr Sunak’s party trail by 21 points, with ’s party holding 47 percent compared to the ’s 26 percent. The next general election will be held no later than January 24, 2025.

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