Rishi Sunak urged to call early election by Britons – ‘Let us decide’

A new Express.co.uk poll has shown support for the Prime Minister to head to the polls early.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Rishi Sunak should seek election to gain legitimacy says Farron

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been called upon by former Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron to hold an early general election and avoid being seen as illegitimately in power. Over half of Express.co.uk readers back going to the polls early, a new poll has found.

Mr Farron warned for Mr Sunak of former Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s premiership, and it ended, demanding an early election be called.

He told Express.co.uk: “He should learn the lesson of Gordon Brown and not run the risk of being seen as illegitimate. And therefore losing whatever support he does have, so I think an early election is important for him as well as the country.”

Following Liz Truss’ resignation last month, Mr Sunak was named by the Conservative Party as the new leader on October 24, after being unopposed in the leadership race. He inherited Boris Johnson’s landslide majority in the House of Commons but has no public mandate behind him.

After becoming the third Prime Minister in a matter of months, many political figures have called for a general election to be held ahead of the next scheduled vote in January 2025.

Rishi Sunak and ballot box

Rishi Sunak currently has no public mandate behind him (Image: Getty)

In response, Express.co.uk ran poll from 12.30pm on Tuesday, November 22, to 11.30am on Thursday, November 24, asking readers: “Should Rishi Sunak call an early general election?”

In total, 2,408 readers cast their votes with the majority, 56 percent (1,346 people) answering “yes” in favour of Mr Sunak calling an early election.

A further 43 percent (1,030 people) said “no” he should not while one percent (32 people) said they did not know either way.

In the comments below the accompanying article, hundreds of readers shared their thoughts on a snap election.

Many readers argued that Mr Sunak should call an early election in an attempt to win the public’s mandate and confirm his premiership. Username Strong like bull said: “He must face the British people and let us decide.”

Another, Username Ady53, said: “Yes, he has no mandate.”

And username Margaretfan wrote: “Yes, let us tell him what we think.”

While username xJonjo added: “Yes. I don't think the country wants a Government run by Sunak and [Jeremy] Hunt.”


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Rishi Sunak giving first address as Prime Minister

Rishi Sunak was named by Conservative Party members as the new leader on October 24 (Image: Getty)

general election results infographic

The next the next scheduled election is due in January 2025 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Boris still plotting No10 comeback before next election despite quitting Tory leader race

Boris Johnson is still hoping to make a sensational return to No10 despite pulling out of the Tory party leadership contest. The former Prime Minister announced he would not be formally putting his name forward to govern the country now, but did not rule it out in future.

Read more HERE.

However, other readers commented against an early election, with username Pino72u writing: “Why would the Tories call an early election to get annihilated in.”

Username marco polo 247 said: “The country needs a period of stability so I vote no.”

Similarly, username NWO3 wrote: “No! We should not be hanging elections every year.”

And username Sevenbells said: “Don’t think so. With the choice of politicians and political parties we have, pointless walking to the corner to cast a vote.”

Mr Johnson managed to win his majority by flipping the Red Wall in the north of England, while defending Blue seats. However, an opinion poll conducted for ITV's Peston programme shows that Mr Sunak is yet to receive a boost in support.

Results revealed that Sir Keir Starmer's Labour Party has a 23 point lead among Red Wall voters and an 11-point lead over the Conservative Party among Blue Wall voters.

Commenting on the Redfield & Wilton poll, ITV's deputy political editor Anushka Asthana said it showed “bad news” for Mr Sunak’s party. She explained: “I'm going to start with some bad news for the Conservatives because there is no sign of a new leader giving them a bounce in either of those two places.”

The latest YouGov/Times voting intention poll conducted three weeks into Mr Sunak’s premiership also showed the Conservative Party lagging behind with the backing of 26 percent of participants, compared to 47 percent for the Labour Party.

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