Poll result: Who YOU think is Britain's best post-war Prime Minister

A new poll of Express.co.uk readers has determined who has been Britain's best Prime Minister since WW2.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Britain’s first female Prime Minister, the late Margaret Thatcher, was voted as Britain's best leader since WW2, in a new poll of Express.co.uk readers. Ms Thatcher was elected in 1979 and throughout her 11-year premiership – the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century – worked to transform Britain’s economy. Her uncompromising leadership style led her to be nicknamed “The Iron Lady”.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was chosen as leader of the Conservative Party by Tory MPs last month, becoming the third Prime Minister of the year. He was also the 17th person to take office since World War II, and as a result, Express.co.uk readers were asked who they thought was best.

In a poll that ran from 1pm on Thursday, November 3, to 2pm on Thursday, November 17, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Who has been Britain’s best Prime Minister since WW2?”

Overall, 1,039 readers cast their votes with the vast majority, 69 percent (712 people) backing Ms Thatcher as the best post-war leader. Boris Johnson came in second place with 14 percent (142 people) followed by Winston Churchill with seven percent (70 people).

In addition, Clement Attlee and Harold Wilson received three percent of the vote with 31 votes each. Harold MacMillan, Gordon Brown and Liz Truss each received one percent, while five people entered other options.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on Britain’s best leader.

Best Prime Minister: Thatcher, Johnson, Churchill

Margaret Thatcher voted Britain's best Prime Minister since WW2 (Image: Getty and Culture Club/Getty)

Many readers backed Ms Thatcher in their comments, with username Jimbo1389 writing: “Thatcher was by far the best PM. Lots of courage and a love for her country.”

Username NWO3 wrote: “Margaret Thatcher, the true Briton and effective leader!”

Another, username Jed Hawkins said: “Maggie Thatcher by a country mile.”

Username Dundeedon said: “Margaret Thatcher. Head and shoulders above anyone else.”

Best PM: Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher received 69 percent of votes from Express.co.uk readers (Image: Richard Baker/Getty)

And username DoggyPaws wrote: “Margaret Thatcher - NO CONTEST!”

While username Leticia Ewing added: “Margaret Thatcher was the best PM by far. Her integrity was second to none.”

Other readers argued that Mr Johnson was the best, having led the nation through Brexit negotiations, the pandemic and Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Username Pookum commenting: “Boris because he is utterly patriotic.”

Username SusanJohnston said: “Boris for me”

And username Pino72u added: “Boris, but unfortunately not given the chance to implement his ideas for this country.”

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Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson came in second place among Express.co.uk readers (Image: Getty)

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill was voted in third by Express.co.uk readers (Image: Evening Standard/Getty)

Meanwhile, some suggested that Mr Churchill was supreme after returning for a second stint as leader. Username foxman3 wrote: “Must be Winston Churchill.”

Username laurie1 said: “Without any doubt Winston Churchill. He was head & shoulders above all others. We are here as we are due to him."

Similarly, username wilderole1 said: “Churchill was the toughest and the best.” 

And username ralphatkin said: “In terms of influence; Winston was best, then Maggie, then Boris.”

UK Prime Ministers

The UK has had 17 Prime Ministers since WWII (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

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