Brexit POLL: Should UK renegotiate Brexit to save ‘doomed’ economy?

A Tory Remainer has warned that Britain is on the path to becoming the "sick man of Europe".

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Brexit: Starmer says there’s ‘no going back’

A Tory Remainer has called upon the Government to renegotiate Brexit in order to save the “frankly doomed” economy. But do you agree that this is necessary? Vote in our poll.


Founder and chair of the private equity firm Terra Firma, Guy Hands said that Brexit needed to be renegotiated as it “is completely hopeless and has led us to a disastrous state. The economy is doomed".

The billionaire businessman  told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Monday: “British people didn’t want and didn’t vote for [former Prime Minister Liz] Truss’ extremist hard Thatcherite Brexit.”

He called for the Government to "move on from fighting its own internal wars and actually focus on what needs to be done in the economy".

Mr Hands also backed Britain to remain in the European Union (EU) during the 2016 referendum and claimed that the UK was “on a path to be the sick man of Europe”.

READ MORE: Tory Remainer seizes on leadership chaos to demand Brexit U-turn

Brexit: Guy Hands and Ursula von der Leyen

Brexit POLL: Should UK renegotiate Brexit to save ‘doomed’ economy? (Image: Jason Alden/Bloomberg/Getty and Thierry Monasse/Getty)

His comments were made ahead of Rishi Sunak being announced as Britain’s next Prime Minister, and he called for the next Tory Party leader to renegotiate with the EU. 

He said that under a leader with the “intellectual capability and the authority to renegotiate Brexit”, the economy could be turned around.

When asked about the “doomed” economy, he warned that Britain was on the path towards “steadily increasing taxes, steadily reducing benefits and social services, higher interest rates and eventually the need for a bailout from the IMF [International Monetary Fund] like we [had] in the Seventies”.

Mr Hands added that he was concerned about the cost of living crisis affecting Britons and rising poverty as middle-class households struggle to make mortgage payments.


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Brexit: Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak has previously been critical of the Northern Ireland Protocol (Image: Getty)

Brexit timeline

The UK voted to leave the EU six years ago (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Ms Truss had reopened talks with Brussels over the controversial Northern Ireland Protocol Bill before her resignation, and Mr Sunak has previously been critical of the Protocol.

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said that Mr Sunak must ditch the Protocol if he wants to see power-sharing restored. He said: “The Protocol is incompatible with the restoration of devolved Government in Northern Ireland – if the prime minister wants to see a fully functioning Stormont, then he must deal with it once and for all.”

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said he wanted to “make Brexit work” during an LBC interview on Monday. He suggested that Labour would focus on “reducing barriers to trade” and “fixing problems in relation to the Protocol in Northern Ireland”.

So what do YOU think? Should the UK renegotiate Brexit to save the ‘doomed’ economy? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below. 

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