'Scotland is sinking under the weight of Sturgeon's obsession' with Indyref2

A new poll of Express.co.uk readers has revealed overwhelming opposition to the prospect of a thriving Scotland independent of the United Kingdom.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s claims that Scotland would thrive independently have been shut down by Express.co.uk readers in a new poll. Ms Sturgeon said that an independent Scotland would be able to prosper once free from the UK’s economic ties.

On Monday, October 17, Ms Sturgeon unveiled the third in a series of papers outlining her Government’s plan to leave the UK and build a newly independent Scotland.

She explained at a press conference at Bute House in Edinburgh that she would transition towards a new currency and establish and trade border with the rest of the UK, with the intention of rejoining the European Union and Schengen zone.

Ms Sturgeon claimed independence was essential for creating a “fairer, stronger, more sustainable Scotland”, and said that the paper would “openly and frankly” address issues of currency, debt and trade.

She added it was “glaringly obvious now that the UK does not offer economic strength and stability or financial security”.

READ MORE: Sturgeon unveils five-point plan to drag Scots out of UK

Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon unveiled the third in a series of papers in her drive for independence (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 4:30pm on Monday, October 17, to 11:30am on Wednesday, October 19, Express.co.uk asked readers: “Do you think an Independent Scotland would thrive like Sturgeon believes?”

In total, 6,221 people cast their votes with the overwhelming result, gaining 95 percent (5,885 people) being “no”, Scotland would not thrive.

A further five percent (310 people) said “yes” in agreement with Ms Sturgeon and just 26 people said they did not know.

Hundreds of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on Scottish independence.

Many readers argued that Scotland would struggle as an independent nation, with username Franky Uk writing:  “There's not a snowball's chance in hell.”

Username ninemadcats wrote that it would “crash and burn” outside the UK.

Username skygazer, said: “Not a chance in hell. Scotland is sinking under the weight of Sturgeon's obsession!”

And username Servative said: “No. Nicola Sturgeon would thrive. The good people of Scotland would not.”


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Nicola Sturgeon torn apart over latest Scottish independence push [LATEST]
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Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon intends to hold another referendum on October 19, 2023 (Image: Getty)

Angela Rayner lashes out at Nicola Sturgeon for abandoning England as she rejects SNP deal

Angela Rayner vowed not to go "anywhere near" a second Scottish independence referendum as she said the SNP's plans would abandon voters in England.

Express.co.uk reveals how Labour's Deputy Leader ruled out working with the SNP after a general election.

In the event of independence the Scottish Fiscal Commission, would replicate the Office for Budget Responsibility. Ms Sturgeon said she would introduce a Scottish Pound “as soon as practicable” after achieving independence but did not set out a timescale for such a transition.

She said that she would seek to “build a wellbeing economy that works for all” and come to a “fair settlement” with the UK Government on debt and remaining assets.

Others commented that Scotland would struggle without the financial backing from Westminster, with username  imppy55 writing: “They would be bankrupt within 12 months.”

Username Tunnicliffe said: “Scotland to thrive, you're joking, not without England's money, it won't.”

Scottish independence referendum result

Scotland voted on independence in 2014 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

While username Bumpy Grollix said: “Absolutely not! It will be weighed down by its share of our national debt, it won't have a usable currency, it'll lose all the UK subsidies it gets now.”

Another, username wilfred01, said: “Under her and her SNP Government, no chance. The decline both culturally, socially and economically under them is obvious.

“Without the constant handouts from the English taxpayer as well as the Barnett Formula, Scotland would just not operate.”

And username JohnJBrown said: “They will be OK as an ‘independent’ state of the EU if they can get a decent handout from them. In any other case, likely not.”

Earlier this week Chancellor Jeremy Hunt told the House of Commons: “If Scotland wants economic stability, we are stronger together.”

Ms Sturgeon hopes to hold an independence referendum in a year’s time, on October 19, 2023. The referendum would be the second on the matter in less than a decade after Scots voted in 2014, with 55 percent to 45 percent in favour of remaining.

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