POLL: Should a snap general election be called?

More than 580,000 people have signed a parliamentary petition demanding an early general election.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Liz Truss shuts down calls for a general election

MPs will debate demands for an early general election on Monday, October 17, after more than 580,000 people signed a petition on the Parliament website in favour of an early vote. But do you want the UK Government to call a snap general election? Vote in our poll.


The petition was set up in July after Boris Johnson’s resignation as Prime Minister and has continued to gain support during Ms Truss’s early days in office.

Any petition with more than 100,000 signatures on the parliamentary website must be put forward for debate.

Creator of the petition Darrin Charlesworth has demanded an “immediate general election so that the people can decide who should lead us through the unprecedented crises threatening the UK”.

The petition reads: “The chaos engulfing the UK government is unprecedented. Over 40 ministers resigned leaving departments without leadership during the cost of living, energy and climate crises.

“War rages in Ukraine; the Northern Ireland Protocol has further damaged our relationship with Europe; recession looms; the UK itself may cease to exist as Scotland seeks independence.

“This is the greatest set of challenges we have seen in our lifetimes. Let the people decide who leads us through this turmoil.”

READ MORE: Snap general election to be debated by MPs next week

Snap election: Liz Truss and polling station

POLL: Should a snap general election be called? (Image: Getty)

During Wednesday's Prime Minister's Questions Labour MP Matt Western called for the Government to “give way”, telling MPs that the public wants an immediate general election.

He said “In two recent polls 60 percent of this country wants an immediate general election. The Prime Minister claims she's in listening mode. We should give way to the public.”

Ms Truss categorically ruled out the possibility during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, October 12.

She told the House of Commons: “I think the last thing we need is a general election.”


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election voting intention

The latest TechneUK voting intention tracker poll shows that the Conservatives are 22 points behind (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

In response to the petition, the Government said: “The United Kingdom is a Parliamentary democracy, not a Presidential one.

“Following the general election of December 2019, Members of Parliament of the governing party (the Conservative Party) was elected, such that there is a majority in the House of Commons. This remains the case.

“A change in the leader of the governing party does not trigger a general election – this has been the case under governments of successive political colours."

The latest TechneUK voting intention tracker poll for Express.co.uk shows that the Conservatives are 22 points behind Labour – with 26 percent compared to 48 percent.

The Conservatives must call a general election no later than January 2025.

So what do YOU think? Should a snap general election be called? Vote in our poll and join the debate in the comment section below.

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