Penny Mordaunt remains favourite for PM among readers as Rishi Sunak punished

PENNY MORDAUNT has maintained her support from readers to win the Tory leadership contest and become Britain's next Prime Minister, a new poll has found, while Rishi Sunak has emerged as the least desirable candidate.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Four candidates remain in the contest to replace Boris Johnson as Conservative Party leader and British Prime Minister. Hopefuls Rishi Sunak, Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss and Kemi Badenoch will go head to head in a fourth-round ballot on Tuesday afternoon, July 19.

Tory MPs will vote between 1pm and 3pm, with the result due to be announced at 4pm.

Another candidate is due to be eliminated and Former Chancellor Mr Sunak could reach the 120 vote threshold which would see him through to the final two.

Ahead of the next vote, ran a poll from 8pm on Monday, July 18, to 1pm on Tuesday, July 19, asking: “Who should be the next Prime Minister?”

A total of 2,829 people responded with hundreds of readers leaving comments below the accompanying article.

Rishi Sunak and Penny Mordaunt

Penny Mordaunt remains favourite for PM among readers as Sunak punished (Image: ITV)

Overall, the most popular candidate was Ms Mordaunt with 31 percent (864 votes) of readers backing her.

This was followed by Ms Badenoch and Ms Truss, each received 27 percent of the vote with 777 people and 775 people supporting them respectively.

Former Chancellor Mr Sunak came in last position with just eight percent (225 people) of the vote.

A further seven percent (188 people) answered “other”.

Penny Mordaunt

Penny Mordaunt is the favourite among readers to become the next Prime Minister (Image: ITV)

Boris Johnson resignation

Boris Johnson resigned on July 7 (Image: Getty)

Many were in favour of Ms Mordaunt taking over from Mr Johnson with username Jezza68 writing: “Penny Mordaunt is potentially the best pro-Brexit option.”

Another reader, username ScotsLass said: “I vote for Penny because she was always a Brexiteer, and that was the public decision.” 

And username Servative said: “Penny Mordaunt by a huge margin. Then Liz Truss. If Rishi Sunak gets it, the Tories will get wiped out.”

Others agreed that the UK should have a female Prime Minister and the top job should not be given to Mr Sunak.

One reader, username eagle1 said: “Any of them except Sunak.”

Username betterdays wrote: “Liz Truss should be the PM with Penny Mordaunt as Deputy.”

Username Vonnyj said: “Conservative voting MP's need to look at what the general public have been saying over recent months. Rishi is not the choice of the general public.”

While username Bunnykins said: “Definitely not Sunak, his world is too far removed from the reality most live in. 


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Conservative Party leader elected

The final two candidates will be announced on Wednesday, July 20 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“Let's hope we don't have a repeat of Labour's campaign where three women got sidelined for the one elite male candidate.”

A vote to decide the final two candidates will take place on Wednesday, July 20, before Parliament breaks for its summer recess.

The pair of finalists will take part in a summer of hustings and a new Prime Minister will be decided by around 150,000 Conservative Party members.

A new Prime Minister is expected to take office on September 5.

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