UK urged to 'stay clear of anything that involves EU' as Remainer PM threat grows

THE UK should not join a new European "empire" but should consider a free trade alliance, a new poll of readers has found, as the nation faces a new Prime Minister in the coming months.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Before his resignation as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson dismissed French President Emmanuel Macron's plans for a new “European political community”. He said he was not interested in any formal structure for a wider European club but said Mr Macron’s idea was “worth looking at”.

But he added: “I think possibly rather than inventing new structures, let's look at building up relationships.”

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Mr Johnson said he would prefer a broader deal and create a new Roman Empire of European countries and neighbouring allies in northern Africa.

In response, asked readers their opinion on whether the UK should join a new “European empire”.

In a poll that ran from 7am on Sunday, July 3, to 11am on Thursday, July 7, asked: “Should Boris Johnson plunge the UK into a new European 'empire' with EU states?”

Overall, 3,384 people cast their votes, with the overwhelming majority, 92 percent (3,124 people), answering “no”, the UK should not join a new European “empire”.

A further seven percent (233 people) said “yes”, while just one percent (27 people) said they did not know either way.

Emmanuel Macron and Jeremy Hunt

UK urged to 'stay clear of anything that involves EU' as Remainer PM threat grows (Image: Getty)

Dozens of readers shared their thoughts in the comments below the accompanying article.

Many readers were against the prospect of the UK joining a new alliance with Europe, with username Proud patriot writing: “Not in a million years.”

Username sam the man said: “We should stay clear of anything that involves the EU.”

While username Alanshrewsbury said: “Never ever again should we join another political union. Once burnt, let them get on with it.”

Another reader, username englishguy, wrote: “Good grief! we have just got rid of one bureaucratic mess. Why would we want to get mixed up in another one!”

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson resigned on Thursday (Image: Getty)

And username AmbroseRookwood said: “The EU's slide into oblivion has already begun. We don't want to be dragged down with them.”

Brexiteers and Conservative MPs fear that joining Mr Macron’s plans would drag the UK back into the EU’s remit.

Former Brexit Minister David Jones said: “Macron is obsessed with building a new political vehicle in Europe to counteract what he sees as the dominance of the Anglosphere... we must make clear we are not disposed to participate in what looks like an EU 2.0.”

The Élysée Palace suggested that the UK had shown “interest" in the plans during a bilateral meeting at the G7 summit in Germany last week.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said last week, the UK had not agreed to any of Mr Macron’s proposals.

She told senior Tory MP Tom Tugendhat: “I don’t know the exact words that president Macron has used, but we have not agreed to that.”

With Mr Johnson’s resignation, worries are growing that the UK could seek to rejoin the EU under a Remainer Prime Minister.

Writing for last month, Robert Taylor said that a Remainer like Jeremy Hunt could start “edging Britain inexorably towards a closer relationship with the EU”.


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European trade landscape after Brexit

European trade landscape after Brexit (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

However, some readers argue there were benefits to joining a free trade alliance with Europe.

Username Krzysz said: “The UK absolutely should NOT join some kind of political or military club involving the rest of Europe.

“A free trade area is fine, as the EU was in its early days, when it was the European Economic Community (EEC).”

Another reader, username Geedward said: “A free trade group would be fine, perhaps we could have relationships with European countries outside of the EU. But the EU is a definite NO NO.”

And username Fairsfare said: “I am in favour of the UK setting up a small organisation for the purpose of free trade that countries can join. 

“No political agenda, just free trade on all goods not receiving government subsidies or relating to military national security. No picking and choosing, you're either in or out.”

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