Britons slam second referendum to rejoin EU: ‘It's done and dusted’

EXPRESS.CO.UK readers would not vote in a second referendum to rejoin the EU, a new poll has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

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Britain has been independent of the European Union (EU) for two years, and readers want to keep it that way, stating that they would not vote to rejoin the bloc despite still facing daily challenges. The UK voted to leave the EU by 52 percent to 48 percent in 2016 but the current Brexit deal means that Northern Ireland continues to follow some EU regulations.

Earlier this week Foreign Secretary Liz Truss published a proposal to allow parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol to be altered.

The legislation would allow goods only travelling to Northern Ireland from Great Britain to be exempt from EU checks.

Leave voters are fearful that the UK could rejoin the bloc under a new Prime Minister.

Rober Taylor outlined a five-step plan in an opinion piece for that Remainers could pursue if Boris Johnson lost power.

Ursula von der Leyen and voter

Britons slam second referendum to rejoin EU” ‘It's done and dusted’ (Image: Thierry Monasse/Getty and Getty)

He said that first, Mr Johnson needs to be “so discredited that he has to leave office”. 

Then he suggested that if a Remainer such as former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt took over, he could start “edging Britain inexorably towards a closer relationship with the EU”.

He explained that the UK could consider rejoining the single market and customs union before renegotiating the Withdrawal Agreement

He added that the UK could then apply to re-join the EU, perhaps in the outer ring of “slow-speed countries”.

As a result, asked readers whether they would vote in a second referendum.

In a poll that ran from 10am on Tuesday, June 14, to 11am on Friday, June 17, asked: “Would you vote in a Brexit referendum on rejoining the EU?” 

A total of 11,911 people cast their votes with the vast majority – 75 percent (8,977 people) – answering “no”, they would not vote in a referendum to rejoin the EU. 

However, 24 percent (2,844 people) said “yes”, while just one percent (90 people) said they did not know. 

Thousands of readers shared their thoughts in the comments of both accompanying articles, taking part in lively debates.

One reader, username DADDY-LCWRA said: “WE don't want or need another referendum on whether we should join the EU or not, we left for a valid reason and that reason has not changed.” 

Username Angry Button said: “No vote should be given, it's done and dusted.” 

Another, username Mīnōtaurus wrote: “I for one would be outraged if a vote even took place.” 

And username Pougue Mahone said: “We’ve had the vote, accept the result and move on.”

Brexit timeline

Britain has been independent of the EU for two years (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Other readers agreed that they would not vote in a second referendum with username Just Get WTO Done commenting: “Once in a lifetime referendum.” 

Username John-uk said: “The 1st vote is all that matters.” 

While username DJ777 said: “Real answer is YES to a vote, NO to rejoining the EU.” 

Italian UK correspondent Antonello Guerrera has slammed the idea of a U-turn allowing the UK to rejoin the bloc. 

When asked if he thought Britain would ever rejoin the EU, Mr Guerrera told LBC: “I don’t think so. I think that the decision to leave the EU has been quite difficult and hard. And now [the idea of] this country going back to a referendum mode.” 

He added: “I think it’s quite irrealistic, in this particular moment.”

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