'Considerable wealth' pouring into UK - new stats lay bare where EU is behind

THE UK is soaring ahead of the EU with new foreign direct investment projects, which are bringing "considerable" wealth into Britain, new stats show.

By Tara Fair, News Editor, Olivia Stringer

Fury as British fishermen 'on suicide watch' after being 'neglected'

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Image: GETTY)

According to the latest annual Attractiveness Survey by EY, published on Monday, there were 764 new foreign direct investment projects in the UK in 2021, compared with 678 in France and 381 in Germany. Foreign investment in the UK last year generated 60,372 jobs, the highest level in 10 years and, according to Pro-Brexit group Facts4EU, brought "considerable wealth" into the country. Commenting on the survey, Anna Anthony, UK financial services managing partner at EY, said: “Six years since the EU referendum, we can be confident that Brexit has not damaged the UK’s fundamental appeal, with its deep history in financial services and access to top talent. Investors clearly recognise that the UK continues to offer a unique environment for growth, innovation and progress."


EU mask slips with new 'damaging' legal challenge as bloc 'reveals its true colours'

The EU has been accused of "damaging itself" and "revealing its true colours" for new legal action taken against the UK in retaliation to proposed unilateral changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

EU Commission vice-President Maros Sefcovic said Boris Johnson's actions to unilaterally override elements of the Brexit deal are "illegal" before announcing the new move.

The EU said the moves set out by the UK Government had set out to "unilaterally break international law".

Mr Sefcovic said: "Let there be no doubt: there is no legal nor political justification whatsoever for unilaterally changing an international agreement. Opening the door to unilaterally changing an international agreement is a breach of international law as well. So let's call a spade a spade: this is illegal."

'Still fighting Brexit war!' Tory plotters plan deal to get UK back into EU single market

Brexit battles have erupted within the Conservative Party with plotters planning to soften the UK's exit from the EU and return to the single market, says Craig Mackinlay MP.

Mr Mackinlay has lifted the lid on the internal power struggles which threaten to engulf the Tory party and unseat Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The  MP believes a pro-EU faction of Tory plotters is behind a bid to soften  and take Britain back into the single market. 

'Using our Brexit freedom' UK economy set for major invigoration as UK slashes EU red tape

Britain is poised to use its Brexit freedoms to bring a major boost to the economy and invigorate a range of key sectors after slashing red tape, the Science Minister has said

Despite being a Remainer during the 2016 Brexit campaign, George Freeman has shone a light on the huge benefits leaving the EU can bring to UK science Britain’s economy generally.

Speaking at Digital Catapult’s Cyber-Physical Future Forum for London Tech Week, the Science Minister said: “I should say that I was a very loud Remainer but I respect the mandates of the British people.

"I think they wanted us to make this a moment where we reform and renew the British economy so that it is fairer and more dynamic and more prosperity promoting for everybody.”

Mr Freeman added there are two big things that Britain can do now that it couldn't do before Brexit.

What are the ‘green’ and ‘red’ channels?

The UK wants a “green channel” with no checks for all British goods destined for Northern Ireland only.

A red channel for goods at risk of crossing the invisible border into the EU’s Single Market would have checks to make sure they meet EU standards.

POLL: Should Brexit be blamed for travel chaos?

Airports have had to cancel flights during the summer months to avoid further travel chaos. 

But do you think Brexit is to blame? 

Vote in our poll here. 

POLL: Should Brexit be blamed for travel chaos?

POLL: Should Brexit be blamed for travel chaos? (Image: Getty)

Macron crisis as new PM warns France could 'leave EU' in 'dangerous' plan

France could "leave the EU" if voters turn to Emmanuel Macron's far-left rival Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the second round of voting of the fiercely contested parliament elections this week, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne warned.

Ms Borne said that Mr Mélenchon's alliance, known as the Nupes or the New Popular Ecological and Social Union, "is a project of massive tax increases".

She added: "It is a project that is dangerous for our economy and, on the international level, is a project of leaving the EU and colluding with Russia."


Macron crisis as new PM warns France could 'leave EU' in 'dangerous' plan

Macron crisis as new PM warns France could 'leave EU' in 'dangerous' plan (Image: Getty)

Sturgeon accused of OBSESSING over indyref and ignoring schools and NHS

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of obsessing over Scottish independence and ignoring key issues facing Scotland. 

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, citing policy problems, including education, asked Ms Sturgeon: “Why should all these issues play second fiddle to another divisive independence referendum next year?”

The SNP leader responded that independence was not a mere “distraction” but was, instead, the answer to the problem.

She said: “Independence is part of the solution to those challenges. It's about how we equip ourselves better as a country to meet those challenges and fulfil our potential."


Sturgeon accused of OBSESSING over indyref and ignoring schools and NHS

Sturgeon accused of OBSESSING over indyref and ignoring schools and NHS (Image: Getty)

Have Your Say: Does Boris even care about Brexit or is he just trying to save his job?

Boris Johnson is fast losing the support of the public, with some claiming the Prime Minister is just reigniting battles with the EU to save his own skin. 

So does Mr Johnson really care about Brexit? 

You can add your voice to the tens of thousands of comments posted daily on Express.co.uk and have your say on the big issues facing the country today.

Have Your Say: Does Boris even care about Brexit or is he just trying to save his job?

Have Your Say: Does Boris even care about Brexit or is he just trying to save his job? (Image: Getty)

Biden skewered for 'absurd' Ireland Brexit support

Joe Biden has been called "clueless" for his "absurd" support of Ireland and the EU in the row over the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

Writing in the Telegraph, John Bolton, former National Security Adviser to Donald Trump" said "Joe Biden’s clueless support for Ireland weakens the West" and suggested for some US officials, “the Good Friday Agreement involves not international theology but theological theology”.

He said: “Ironically, however, repudiating the Protocol makes preserving the Agreement more likely; quashing the EU’s harmful meddling will reduce the tensions it has improvidently raised."


Biden skewered for 'absurd' Ireland Brexit support

Biden skewered for 'absurd' Ireland Brexit support (Image: Getty)

Who is Liz Truss?

In December, Lord Frost resigned as chief Brexit negotiator, making way for his successor, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss. 

Since taking on the role Brexit negotiations with her EU counterpart Maros Sefcovic have made little progress. 

However, Ms Truss has outlined plans to scrap parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

She said the first priority is to uphold the Good Friday agreement. 

Ms Truss said the UK wants to see a first minister and deputy first minister in place in Northern Ireland. 

Who is Liz Truss?

Who is Liz Truss? (Image: Getty)

Braverman slams BBC's 'malevolent' reporting Johnson's Brexit

Attorney General Suella Braverman has slammed the BBC for its reporting of Brexit and other issues. 

World at One host Sarah Montague said to Ms Braverman: "This Government seems to be doing things that others judge to be illegal. We can go back to prorogation, Partygate, the Northern Ireland protocol, and deporting asylum seekers.

"I wonder how comfortable you feel with the reputation that this Government has built up in regard to law-breaking?"

Ms Braverman replied: "With respect, I think that's a BBC view if you don't mind me saying.

"It seems the UK Government is always malevolent and the EU is always acting as the honest broker and the good guys."


Braverman slams BBC's  'malevolent' reporting Johnson's Brexit

Braverman slams BBC's 'malevolent' reporting Johnson's Brexit (Image: Getty)

Brexit POLL: Has Brexit been a success?

Britain has been independent from the UK for two years. 

However, it still faces daily challenges from Brexit. 

Has Brexit been a success? 

Vote in our poll here. 

Brexit POLL: Has Brexit been a success?

Brexit POLL: Has Brexit been a success? (Image: Getty)

Wakefield Tory candiate says Brexit 'built on lies'

The Tory candidate for Wakefield has said that Brexit was "built on lies" and that he regretted voting for it. 

Nadeem Ahmed, who is fighting to cling onto the Wakefield seat for Boris Johnson in next Thursday's by-election added that Brexit has caused an increase in racist attacks and said he supports a second referendum. 

He told the Asian Express in 2016: “I voted to leave and I regret the decision. All my friends who voted similarly are the same.

“The immigration issue was overplayed in Brexit and now people are being targeted.

“The term immigrant is even something that needs addressing. There are around a million Brits living in Spain, we call them ex-pats. There is a negative connotation to the word immigrant now.”

The by-election follows the resignation of Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan, who was convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy. 

Wakefield Tory candiate says Brexit 'built on lies'

Wakefield Tory candiate says Brexit 'built on lies' (Image: ParliamentTV)

Weed infestation blamed on BREXIT in staggering row about overgrown pavements

 A green Party-run council has blamed Brexit for an infestation of weeds on pavements. 

Brighton and Hove council banned weedkiller because of the harm it does to humans and the environment. 

Instead, it said it will provide residents with tools to tend to overgrown pavements. 

The council blames the overgrown pavements on staff shortages which it said are due to Brexit. 

It said: “Unfortunately, we have only managed to recruit nine of the 26 seasonal staff we would normally take on to deal with the increased amount of weeding needed during the spring and summer months.

“As many of our seasonal staff used to come from European countries for the summer, the ability of European nationals to work in the UK after Brexit, alongside the pandemic, is continuing to have an impact on our recruitment.”


Weed infestation blamed on BREXIT in staggering row about overgrown pavements

Weed infestation blamed on BREXIT in staggering row about overgrown pavements (Image: Getty)

'Considerable wealth' pouring into UK - new stats lay bare where EU is behind

The UK is soaring ahead of the EU with new foreign direct investment projects, which are bringing "considerable" wealth into Britain, new stats show.

According to the latest annual Attractiveness Survey by EY, published on Monday, there were 764 new foreign direct investment projects in the UK in 2021, compared with 678 in France and 381 in Germany.

Foreign investment in the UK last year generated 60,372 jobs, the highest level in 10 years and, according to Pro-Brexit group Facts4EU, brought "considerable wealth" into the country.

Commenting on the survey, Anna Anthony, UK financial services managing partner at EY, said: “Six years since the EU referendum, we can be confident that Brexit has not damaged the UK’s fundamental appeal, with its deep history in financial services and access to top talent. Investors clearly recognise that the UK continues to offer a unique environment for growth, innovation and progress."

Boris warned to 'prepare for a bust-up with the EU' over plot to unshackle UK

Boris Johnson has been warned to "prepare for a bust-up with the EU" over a plot to unshackle Britain from the European Courts of Human Rights.

On Tuesday, a flight chartered to send asylum seekers from the UK to Rwanda as part of a new Government policy was grounded following an intervention by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

The move has sparked backlash, with many - including Nigel Farage - arguing Britain should untether itself from the European court to "complete Brexit". However, former MEP Ben Habib has warned the country could not do this without retaliation from the EU.

He said: "The Trade and Cooperation Agreement Boris Johnson and David Frost signed with the EU commits the UK to the ECHR. We cannot just leave without being also prepared for a bust-up with the EU. Worth noting!"

Boris warned to 'prepare for a bust-up with the EU' over plot to unshackle UK

Boris warned to 'prepare for a bust-up with the EU' over plot to unshackle UK (Image: Getty)

BBC host fumes at 'ransom politics'

BBC host Chris Buckler has fumed at "ransom politics" over the issues surrounding the Northern Ireland Protocol. 

Brexit: BBC host fumes at ‘ransom politics’

Piers Morgan says 'Brexit needs to start working'

Piers Morgan has said "at some point Brexit needs to start working" adding that he believes that it is currently not doing anything except making the lives of British people difficult. 

What is the EU?

The EU is a political and economic union of 27 countries that trade with each other and allow citizens to move easily between the countries to live and work. 

The UK joined the EU, then known as the EEC (European Economic Community), in 1973.

A referendum was held June 23 2016 to decide whether the UK would remain inside the EU. 

The Leave side won by nearly 52 percent to 48 percent - 17.4 million votes to 16.1 million.

What is the EU?

What is the EU? (Image: Getty)

Labour says it will address the 'flaws' in Johnson's Brexit deal

Labour will address the "flaws" in Boris Johnson's Brexit deal, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves has said. 

Ms Reeves added that Labour has no plans to take the UK back into the single market. 

She said: "A modern supply-side approach cannot and must not ignore the task of making Brexit work for British businesses and consumers.

"So we must address the flaws in the Brexit deal hitting our food and drinks manufacturers, creative industries, professional services and more, through repairing and strengthening our supply chains, and building on the UK-EU trade deal to cut red tape for exporters.

"We need to adopt an approach that seeks to solve problems in a practical way for UK companies, and aims to build trust, rather than continually retreating to the issue of Brexit as a domestic political wedge."

Labour says it will address the 'flaws' in Johnson's Brexit deal

Labour says it will address the 'flaws' in Johnson's Brexit deal (Image: Getty)

Good afternoon

Good afternoon, I'm Olivia Stringer and I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit for the next eight hours. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: olivia.stringer@reachplc.com 

Twitter: @Livstringer_

Macron's deluded attempt to get UK back in EU via backdoor blasted

Emmanuel Macron will have EU Ambassadors looking at a non-paper on his proposal to form a new European Political Community open to third countries outside the bloc, including the UK.

MEP and Poland’s former Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski described the plans as a "trap".

He told EUWatch: "It’s a kind of trap for these countries. It would keep them in a limbo.

"Maybe they would be included in some additional cooperation programs of the EU, and receive extra funds. But it would also keep them away from the EU.

"I witnessed similar attempts 30 years ago when Poland and other countries from Central Europe applied for NATO membership.

"Instead of granting them a membership, NATO created the North Atlantic Cooperation Council which was open to all former members of the Warsaw Pact.

"Some of us wanted to go further, so they created the Partnership for Peace program, but it was still not a full membership.

"This time, history seems to be repeating itself in the case of EU. I don’t think this is going to fly.

"Ukraine, but also Georgia have already introduced enormous packages and adopted most of the Acquis Communautaire of the EU.

"Yet, they haven’t received any substantial rewards from the EU.

"They really count on EU membership, not on some sort of a new substitute institution."


Macron's plot to pull Britain back into the fold exposed

Emmanuel Macron will have EU Ambassadors looking at a non-paper on his proposal to form a new European Political Community open to third countries outside the bloc, including the UK.

The French leader set out the proposal in May in Strasbourg, hinting Brexit Britain could also be invited to join the new political body.

Mr Macron said: “This new European organisation would allow democratic European nations adhering to our set of values to find a new space for political cooperation, security, cooperation in energy, transport, investment, infrastructure, and the movement of people, especially our youth.

“Joining it would not prejudge future membership in the European Union, necessarily, just as it would not be closed to those who have left.”

Macron's plot to pull Britain back into the fold exposed (Image: GETTY)

British Armed Forces 'the best in Europe,' says former Brexit Party MEP

Former Brexit Party MEP Ben Hodson, another prominent critic of the concept of a European Army, also emphasised the important role the UK played in keeping Europe safe.

He told Express.co.uk: “Our Armed Forces are undoubtedly the best in Europe. We spend more per annum on our military than any other individual European country."

“And, with the exception of Greece, in Europe we are the only country which meets its NATO spending commitments."

Referring to the ongoing dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol, Mr Habib added: “So, at this time, when the EU is suing the UK just because we wish to protect our sovereign union, it would be timely for Europe to remember that their own union relies on the UK.

“We make our armed forces available for their defence, irrespective of the contempt with which Brussels treats us. And which country in Europe has done the most for Ukraine?

“It is not Germany or France – these two are still cosying up to Putin. The biggest contribution by far has come from the UK. Peace in Europe is not protected by the EU – it is protected by NATO.

“So maybe, instead of taking on the chin, as we do, the antipathy from Brussels we should threaten to remove our protective blanket? That might give them pause for thought!”

British Armed Forces 'the best in Europe,' says former Brexit Party MEP (Image: GETTY)

EU military ambitions mocked as bloc STILL relies on UK defence

Ursula von der Leyen's vision of the EU as a significant military power has been dismissed by a prominent Brexiter - who pointed out member states are still heavily reliant on British hardware to keep them safe, six years after the UK quit the bloc.

Professor Daniel Hodson suggested Britain continues to do “all the heavy lifting” - most recently by spearheading the continent-wide resistance to Vladimir Putin’s Russia following its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

Prof Hodson is a former director of the Vote Leave campaign, a former chief executive of London’s futures exchange, and the deputy chairman of the Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIBUK).

He said: “Many in the UK would like to see our defence budget increased. However, in comparison with EU countries, the UK has done all the heavy lifting. We continue to do this from the icy Arctic to the sunny Mediterranean.

“The EU has slowly woken up to the threats on its borders, after Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. The independent UK has led the way, with training, funding, and the supply of serious military hardware.

He added: “If the EU has any serious ambitions to become a military power one day, it still has a very long way to go.

“Yet again, the conclusion is simple: for defence, as for so much else, Europe needs Britain far more than Britain needs the EU”.


EU military ambitions mocked as bloc STILL relies on UK defence (Image: GETTY)

Biden warned EU ‘increasingly frantic’ as London sparks major Brussels’ fears

The EU is growing increasingly frantic as Boris Johnson builds "momentum", according to the former national security adviser to the United States.

US President Joe Biden does not fully understand the complexities of the Northern Ireland Protocol dispute, John Bolton has argued.

The former security adviser pointed out that Biden-Pelosi Democrats "never liked Brexit" and were intervening in the debate for ideological reasons rather than practical.

He added that Washington should be making more effort to reignite the "special relationship" with the UK to support Ukraine against Russia and for future development.

Writing in the Telegraph, Mr Bolton said: “With November’s congressional elections looming, Pelosi’s tenure as Speaker is dwindling rapidly, and with it her influence.

"By contrast, London has both the momentum and the right, which is why Brussels is increasingly frantic.“

POLL: Has Brexit been a success?

Britain has been independent of the European Union for two years but still faces daily challenges from Brexit.

Britain and the EU have been in fruitless talks for months over the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The UK voted to leave the EU by 52 percent to 48 percent in 2016 but Northern Ireland continues to follow Brussels' rules on product standards.

Ms Truss presented the new laws on Monday, June 13, to allow the UK Government to tear up the Northern Ireland Protocol after 18 months of talks with the EU.

She accused Brussels of being inflexible and causing “very severe issues” in Northern Ireland.

She also insisted the legislation complies with international law.

So do you think Brexit has been a success? Vote in our poll.

Britain has been independent of the European Union for two years but still faces daily challenges (Image: GETTY)

Why is the UK Government trying to change the Northern Ireland Protocol?

The British Government is trying to make changes to the controversial Northern Ireland Protocol.

Chief Brexit negotiator, Liz Truss, has told the House of Commons that the agreement has caused problems which the Government did not foresee when it originally signed the deal.

She argues that the deal is undermining the Good Friday Agreement.

It is also creating unnecessary bureaucracy for businesses moving goods between the UK and Northern Ireland, she claims.

The proposed Northern Ireland Protocol Bill would mean that British goods destined for sale in Northern Ireland would only have to meet British standards, and not those of the EU.

Why is the UK Government trying to change the Northern Ireland Protocol? (Image: GETTY)

Remoaners humiliated as UK exports to EU soar to record high after bloc exit

Remoaners have been humiliated after the latest figures revealed the UK's exports to the EU have rocketed to record highs post-Brexit.

The idea of Britain withdrawing from the EU was mocked ahead of the 2016 vote as guaranteed to separate the nation from the world and risk trade with our closest neighbours in Europe.

But six years after Britons opted for "Leave", signs point to Britain and Brussels having an increasingly successful trading relationship.

The latest report from the ONS found EU exports increased for the third consecutive month in April 2022 and now stand at the highest levels since records began.

The stunning trade win amounted to a value of £16.4billion in April.

Remoaners humiliated as UK exports to EU soar to record high after bloc exit (Image: GETTY)

‘You knew it was bad!’ Liz Truss blasted for trying to ‘wriggle out’ of her own NI deal

Liz Truss has been blasted for deliberately signing a "bad deal" over the Northern Ireland protocol and trying to "wriggle out" of it subsequently.

Sky News presenter Niall Paterson said: “You suggest that things are getting worse but all of the problems that have been identified right now in Northern Ireland were identified prior to the ratification of the NI protocol.

“Isn’t the simple truth that you all knew it was a bad deal when you signed up to it but you needed to get Brexit done?

“You then got Brexit done intending, as you are currently doing, to wriggle out of it in the way that you currently are.”

Ms Truss said: “We are addressing very serious issues in Northern Ireland that have emerged over the past two years.

"They have caused problems of political instability, as we can see from the fact the Executive has not formed.

“They’ve caused economic and trade problems in Northern Ireland.

“The solution we’re putting forward does not make the EU any worse off. It protects the EU’s single market at the same time as fixing these problems in Northern Ireland.

“So we are working on a practical solution that works for everybody. Yes, we want to persuade the EU to negotiate with us, to change the protocol to achieve that, but we cannot allow this situation in Northern Ireland to drift.”


Liz Truss grilled on Northern Ireland Protocol by Niall Paterson

'Prepare for a bust up!' Boris warned UK cannot leave ECHR without EU backlash

Former MEP Ben Habib has warned the UK should "prepare for a bust up" if it attempts to leave the European Court of Human Rights. 

In a message to Twitter, he said: "For your info: the Trade & Cooperation Agreement Boris Johnson and David Frost signed with the EU commits the UK to the ECHR.

"We cannot just leave without being also prepared for a bust-up with the EU.

"Worth noting!"

'It was YOU who broke the law!' Tories furious at EU court action as Brexit row explodes

Conservative MP Sir John Redwood has called the European Union's threats to take the Government to court "absurd", saying bloc ministers are "lawbreakers".

The EU is poised to re-launch legal action against the UK after it published a controversial bill on Monday, arguing London is acting against "the spirit of constructive cooperation" by trying to use an emergency loophole.

Sir John said on Twitter: "Absurd that the EU plans to take us to their court when we disagree with them.

"Why don't they own up to the way they have broken international law by undermining the Good Friday Agreement.

"They are the lawbreakers, not the UK."


Malta makes huge post-Brexit passport U-turn for Britons on its official website

Malta has made a huge U-turn after authorities removed a page from its government website that gave wrong information to British travellers about the validity of UK passports post-Brexit.

Misleading statements about post-Brexit passport validity, which made entering Malta seem far more complicated than it actually is, appeared on the Maltese Government’s website for weeks.

UK passport holders hoping to visit the Schengen area must meet two independent conditions as per EU rules.


Malta (Image: GETTY)

Many 'frustrated' by role of 'foreign court', claims Attorney General

Attorney General Suella Braverman said that many would be frustrated by the role played by a “foreign court”.

She told the BBC’s World At One programme “we're not ruling anything in and we're not ruling anything out” with regards to withdrawing from the ECHR.

She added: “We are definitely open to assessing all options available as to what our relationship should be going forward with the ECtHR.”

The ECtHR rules on issues relating to the ECHR and is not an EU institution so has not been affected by Brexit.

Suella Braverman, the Attorney General for England and Wales and the Advocate General for NI (Image: GETTY)

£1.6TRN trade bonanza incoming! Brexit Britain on brink of new mega-pact with 27 nations

Brexit Britain will soon enjoy a $2 trillion (£1.65 trillion) trade partnership with 27 Commonwealth countries as it continues to take advantage of leaving the EU, international trade minister Penny Mordaunt has revealed.

During international trade questions in the House of Commons Ms Mordaunt revealed that 27 partnerships with Commonwealth countries will be worth $2 trillion by the end of the decade in 2030.

It came as Tory Cornwall South East MPs Sheryll Murray urged the Government to use the Platinum Jubilee celebrations to build on relationships with former parts of the British empire.

Ms Mordaunt told MPs: “Pre pandemic, the combined GDP of the Commonwealth was 9 trillion US dollars and nearly 80 percent of that was due to four nations.

"Us, India and Canada with which we are now negotiating a free trade deal (FTA), and Australia where we have already secured a from scratch FTA.

“With 27 economic partnerships we intend to boost our intra Commonwealth trade to 2 trillion US dollars by 2030.”


Penny Mordaunt (Image: GETTY)

POLL: Should UK listen to Nigel Farage and withdraw from the ECHR?

Nigel Farage has called for Britain to "finally complete Brexit" by withdrawing from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Nigel Farage’s demand to leave the ECHR comes following a last-minute ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to halt the departure of the first flight carrying asylum seekers to Rwanda.

Mr Farage tweeted on Wednesday, June 15: “Left-wing lawyers now dictate our immigration policy. Time to leave the ECHR and finally complete Brexit.”

So should the UK pull out of the framework? Vote in our poll.

Why has there been opposition to the Northern Ireland Protocol?

Since the UK left the European Union, there has been opposition to the agreed Northern Ireland Protocol.

Unionist parties - political groups which support Northern Ireland’s place in the UK.

They argue that placing an effective border across the Irish Sea undermines Northern Ireland's place within the UK.

Northern Ireland's largest unionist party, the Democratic Unionists (DUP), is refusing to take part in Northern Ireland's power-sharing government unless its concerns about the protocol are resolved.

The DUP came second in May's elections to Sinn Fein - a nationalist party (wants Northern Ireland to be part of the Republic) which accepts the protocol.

But a new Northern Ireland government cannot be formed without the DUP’s support.

Sinn Fein has accused the unionists of believing they can "hold society to ransom".

Why has there been opposition to the Northern Ireland Protocol? (Image: GETTY)

Fury as British fishermen 'on suicide watch' after being 'neglected'

British fishermen are "on suicide watch" after being "neglected" in the aftermath of Brexit.

Inshore fishermen are at breaking point after experiencing a toxic combination of economic hardships, regulations, offshore energy developments and consultations according to MPs.

Speaking at a Westminster Hall debate on the Inshore Fishing Fleet, Paul Gilson, chairman of the NFFO, said: "A very large number of fishers are deeply depressed and many are now on suicide watch "Our fishers work tirelessly—day in, day out—to feed us, and they have families to support in a difficult economic climate.

"They were promised a better system post-Brexit, but that has not been delivered. Fishers in our inshore fishing fleet are feeling neglected, and many are not only thinking about their future but are worried that there is no way out and no end in sight.

"That should worry each and every one of us, and it is why we must not continue to let down our fishing communities.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, support can be found at the NHS.

The Samaritans are available 24/7 if you need to talk. You can contact them for free by calling 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org or head to the website to find your nearest branch.

What is the Northern Ireland protocol?

The Northern Ireland protocol is the piece of legislation that prevents a hard border from being in place between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Before Brexit, it was easy to transport goods between Northern Ireland and the Republic because both sides were subject to the same EU rules.

However, after Brexit, a new system was needed as the EU has strict rules and requires border checks when certain goods arrive from non-EU countries.

The protocol agreed that there would be no checks at the Irish border but there would instead be checks on goods coming from Great Britain to Northern Ireland.

However, the UK government now wants to rip up parts of the protocol and remove the need for goods checks between Britain and Northern Ireland.

She never liked Brexit! Nancy Pelosi shows true colours as plot to scupper EU exit exposed

Nancy Pelosi risks undermining Western unity as Washington sticks its nose in a dispute between London and Brussels, a former US National Security Adviser has said.

Former National Security Adviser under Donald Trump Jon Bolton argued that “Biden-Pelosi Democrats never liked Brexit” and see the EU as the “wave of the future”.

Their meddling, he said, threatens to undermine Western unity in the face of Russian aggression at a time when Washington needs a "strong UK".

Mr Bolton said: “The truth is that Biden-Pelosi Democrats never liked Brexit. In their world, the EU is still the wave of the future, stemming from Woodrow Wilson’s post-isolationist vision that ‘we are in the great drift of humanity which is to determine the politics of every country in the world’.”


Nancy Pelosi shows true colours as plot to scupper EU exit exposed (Image: GETTY)

'It's so EU!' Fury as bloc 'shoots itself in foot' with new legal challenge

The EU has been slammed after announcing fresh legal action against the UK in retaliation to proposed unilateral changes to the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Brexit Party Member and former MEP Ben Habib said the EU has "shot itself in the foot" with the move and the British public will turn against them.

Mr Habib said: "The EU is merely damaging itself by behaving in this way.

"I am delighted that they are revealing their true colours, because the British people will rise up against them".

"It emboldens the Government, to say well ok if you are going to be bloody-minded about this then we will become bloody-minded and be firmer in our stance.

"To hell with negotiations".

'It's so EU!' Fury as bloc 'shoots itself in foot' with new legal challenge (Image: GETTY)

Good morning

Good morning from London. I’m Tara Fair, I’ll be bringing you all the latest developments on Brexit. Please feel free to get in touch with me as I work if you have a story or tips to share! Your thoughts are always welcome.

Email: Tara.fair@reachplc.com

Twitter: @TaraFair_

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