‘Not at the expense of immigration’ Concern over post-Brexit trade deal with India – POLL

BORIS JOHNSON should not increase immigration from India in exchange for a trade deal, according to a new poll of Express.co.uk readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Boris Johnson is grilled on India and Modi’s stance on Russia

The UK Prime Minister travelled to India this week with the aim of strengthening defence and security ties with the country as well as the UK's post-Brexit diplomatic links. Mr Johnson met with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Friday, April 22, and has ordered British negotiators to push for a trade deal with “by Diwali in October”.

He is said to be hopeful of securing a trade deal, and has suggested that relaxed visa rules for highly-skilled Indian migrants could be offered in exchange for a quicker tariff-free trade deal.

As a result, Express.co.uk asked readers if they thought this was the right thing to do.

In a poll that ran from 9am on Thursday, April 21, to 1pm on Friday, April 22, Express.co.uk asked: “Is Boris right to increase immigration from India in exchange for a trade deal?”

A total of 8,965 people cast their votes with the overwhelming majority – 88 percent (7,834 people) – opting for “no”, Mr Johnson should not increase immigration from India in exchange for a trade deal.

Meanwhile, 11 percent (1,007 people) answered “yes” and one percent (124 people) said they did not know.

Thousands of comments were left below the accompanying article in a lively debate with readers sharing their thoughts on immigration.

One user, Pythagoras said: “I don’t think it is necessary. The quid pro quo on a trade deal is trade in the other direction.

“If India doesn’t want a trade deal for a trade deal then don’t make a trade deal with India.”

Username Thespokentruth wrote: “Have a trade deal yes but not at the expense of immigration.”

While username alavache said: “If it is agreed, any other trade deal the UK tries to negotiate with any other country afterwards, the other country will ask for the same.”

Boris Johnson at press conference in India

‘Not at the expense of immigration’ Concern over post-Brexit trade deal with India (Image: Getty)

And username Shamrock said: “The UK is not getting any deal from any country without conditions that benefit that country.”

Another, username BobPage, wrote: “No, trade deals are for goods and services, not people.”

Others expressed their concerns over an increase in migrants coming to the UK.

Username EndtheGreenLie said: “Ditch the deal, we are full.”

Username Procrastinus wrote: “When will politicians realise that Britain is FULL UP!”

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Boris Johnson and Narendra Modi

Boris Johnson meets with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi (Image: Getty)

Another user, Canyouseeit? said: “NO we have more than enough immigrants.”

Some thought that this was the wrong decision to result from post-Brexit trade deals.

Username Gilli Pepper said: “I doubt this is what the British public expected.”

While username Imsopissedoff said: “This is one thing the remainers said would happen. 

“Get rid of EU workers and the Government will do immigration deals in exchange for trade.”

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