Channel 4 privatisation has ‘nothing to do with Brexit’ – POLL

CHANNEL 4'S privatisation is not "revenge" for Brexit according to a recent poll of readers.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nadine Dorries 'doesn't understand' Channel 4 says former editor

Senior Tory MP Julian Knight said Channel 4 had the potential to compete with US media giants but the Government had decided to sell off broadcaster as an act of "revenge" for alleged "bias coverage" of Brexit. He said Channel 4 would have "greater freedom to compete once privatised,” but added it is "crucial the Government protects the prominence of all public service broadcasting".

On Tuesday, he tweeted: “Now, elephant in the room time – is this being done for revenge for Channel 4's bias coverage of the likes of Brexit and personal attacks on the PM?”

In a poll that ran from midday on Thursday, April 7, to 1pm on Friday, April 8, asked: “Do you think the privatisation of Channel 4 is 'revenge' for Brexit?”

A total of 1,234 people voted and dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts.

The vast majority of voters – 73 percent (901 people) said “no”, the privatisation of Channel 4 is not "revenge" for Brexit.

Meanwhile, 25 percent (308 people) said “yes” and a further two percent (25 people) said they did not know.

Username lesleyann said: “Nothing to do with Brexit, nothing to do with the news, it’s just an awful channel.”

Username BobPage said: “Not just Brexit. Channel 4 has been failing in its remit for some time now.”

And username NWO3 wrote: “No, I do not think it has anything to do with Brexit specifically.”

Some felt that the decision was made for commercial reasons with username MrsMitchell commenting: “No, I do not think the privatisation is owing to 'Brexit revenge'.

“It's all and only about value for money, something Channel 4 has consistently failed to deliver for years.”

Julian Knight and Channel 4 logo

Channel 4 privatisation has ‘nothing to do with Brexit’ (Image: UK Parliament/Getty)

Username MountErebus said: “The Government has no need to take revenge: Brexit is Done.

“I think the Government needs cash, and privatising Channel 4 provides the money to re-invest in Brexit Britain.”

Others thought that the privatisation of Channel 4 was the correct move by the Government.

Username martinlewis said: “The state shouldn't own TV channels, I'm pleased Channel 4 is being privatised.”

'Throwing red meat to Tory voters' Ex-Channel 4 boss slams Dorries over privatisation [VIDEO]
Brexiteer trade unionist says Channel 4 sealed its own privatisation fate with bias [INSIGHT]
Outlander's Sam Heughan brands news of Channel 4 privatisation 'depressing' [LATEST]

And username JJ17 said: “Of course it's revenge, and quite right too.

“The BBC and C4 are a joke, they both need to be privatised. It's ridiculous for the State to be involved in media companies.”

Yet some thought the BBC should have been privatised first if the move was made as revenge.

Username DoggyDay said: “No, if they really wanted revenge they would close down the BBC !!”

Username LesTrollsDelUnionEuropEenneSontEnnuyeux said: “Of course it's not revenge, Or they would have gone for the BBC first.”

Protest against privatisation of Channel 4

Campaigners are against the privatisation of Channel 4 (Image: Wiktor Szymanowicz/Future Publishing/Getty)

Many commented on the left-wing coverage with username Johnbrown1234 writing: “If Channel 4 goes we will have no more balanced news channels in this country.”

While username Grumpy Weatherman said: “I hope so. Stopped watching Channel 4 News because it became so left-wing in its reporting.”

Channel 4 said it was "disappointed" at the decision but would "continue to engage" with the Government on the process.

Whitehall insiders expect the sale – estimated to be as much as £1billion – to be completed in spring 2024.

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