MoD 'wasting taxpayers money' - £13 billion black hole exposed

THE Ministry of Defence has been accused of ‘failing British troops and taxpayers' by 'wasting' billions of pounds worth of public money.

By Tara Fair, News Editor

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The Labour Party launched an investigation into the Ministry of Defence (MoD), examining the data to identify where costs could have been reasonably avoided or reduced by better management. The report examined all MoD spending since 2010, including the years under the Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition through to the current Boris Johnson-led government. The party found 67 cases of "waste" since 2010, amounting to £13billion of taxpayers' money.

These include programmes that went over budget (£5.6billion) and cancelled contracts (£4.8billion).

Reflecting on the audit, Labour said the department's finances showed ministers were "failing British troops and British taxpayers".

The MoD has an annual budget exceeding £40billion.

Of that sum, nearly half is spent on equipment and the department manages a fifth of all the Government's major projects.

However, so far, none of its 36 major projects have been on time and within the original budget.

MoD 'wasting taxpayers money' - £13 billion black hole exposed

MoD 'wasting taxpayers money' - £13 billion black hole exposed (Image: GETTY GENERAL ATOMICS)

 the Ministry of Defence training area on Salisbury Plain

The Ministry of Defence training area on Salisbury Plain (Image: GETTY)

The Labour report details several projects which have already gone significantly over budget.

The MoD was forced to pay an extra £1billion while building a new nuclear warhead manufacturing facility at Burghfield near Reading - a project which is already 76 months behind schedule.

Constructing seven Astute Class attack submarines is also currently running at £1billion more than the original cost.

Meanwhile, the RAF's fleet of new Protector drones is £325million over budget and 28 months late.

But cancelled projects have also contributed heavily to the ministry's "waste".

This includes the loss of £595million over scrapped plans to upgrade the Warrior armoured vehicle and £4million on a new IT system which was abandoned.

Commenting on the failed IT system development, the MoD said: "the project was paused while other options were investigated and it was ultimately decided not to pursue the project further due to the rapid pace and change in technology".

Another costly issue for the MoD has been scrapping or selling equipment earlier than originally planned.


The MoD has 'failed British soldiers and taxpayers' says Labour (Image: GETTY)


The Ministry of Defence, London (Image: GETTY)

Hundreds of armoured vehicles, purchased for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, have been disposed of, with the "write-offs" valued at £213million.

To make matters worse, the MoD has been fined £32.6million by the Treasury for breaching its own accounting rules.

Shadow defence secretary John Healey suggested the money lost could have paid for more tanks, aircraft and warships as well as avoiding some of the recent cuts from the Integrated Defence Review.

Mr Healey warned that "without a revolution" there is a "serious risk that extra funding for defence will be swallowed by a black hole" in its finances.

A Labour government would make reforming the MoD a top priority, he promised.

The Labour Wentworth and Dearne MP said this could be done by commissioning a National Audit Office investigation into waste and then by making the MoD the first department to hold a new "Office for Value of Money".

An MoD statement said: "This government is serious about investing in defence modernisation to ensure the UK armed forces have the relevant capabilities to face today's threats.

"That means taking tough decisions to replace old equipment and halt programmes that no longer fit requirements.

"The government has provided £24billion extra investment, with a fully-funded equipment plan alongside a new Defence and Security Industrial Strategy to maximise the benefits of investments for both the armed forces and UK prosperity."

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