Golden eagles, Chinese water deers and polecats: The stars of this year's Winterwatch

CHRIS Packham and the Winterwatch team are back.

TV, Winterwatch, Martin Hughes-Games, Michaela Strachan, Chris Packham, BBC, UploadExpress, Kirsten JonesPH

Martin Hughes-Games, Michaela Strachan and Chris Packham

Nature series Winterwatch returns to BBC2 this week to bring us the best wildlife stories from across the UK. Presenters Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan and Martin Hughes-Games will be in Scotland’s Cairngorms to report on what the season has in store for some of our most elusive species, explore the lengths they go to in order to survive and look at how they have been affected by the recent warm weather.

The crew will be based at the National Trust for Scotland’s Mar Lodge Estate from where they will bring us special reports from Somerset, Lincolnshire and Wales. We’ll also be introduced to rare animals such as the Scottish wildcat, the pine marten and the sabre-toothed Chinese water deer. 

“We hope to uncover some really exciting behaviour in this year’s Winterwatch. We’re seeing things for the first time,” says Chris. 

As well as altering animal behaviour, the changing climate has become a threat, with rising numbers of starving birds of prey being rescued as prolonged wind and rain affect their ability to find food. 

The Winterwatch team hopes to relate the story of the short-eared owl, which hunts small mammals fleeing rising waters along the coast. 

Winterwatch [PH]

“It points to the very immediate effect this unusual weather has on our wildlife. We will have to wait through the spring and summer to see the impact on other animal populations and, of course, the flora.

If I look out of my window now I can see daffodils. It’s the most unusual winter I can ever remember,” says Chris. “The weather has really had an impact on us, too. 

A couple of the films we’d planned we just couldn’t do because of the weather – but that is part of the nature of the programme.”

Chris hopes the chance to see rare animals will be as much of a pleasure for viewers as it is for him. 

“It’s a treat for us to see all these animals in our country that are just beyond our reach,” he says. “I’m very keen on the educational side of the show. We want it to be as engaging as possible.” 

Interactive live show Winterwatch Unsprung will return from Wednesday to Friday through the BBC Red Button when Chris hosts a celebration of wildlife with viewers’ stories, photographs and videos. 

“Unsprung is hugely interactive,” he says. “We’ve got a huge following on social media and we receive an enormous amount of photographs on Flickr. It’s quite reassuring for us because it means we are connecting with an audience who shares our passion and interest.”

Winterwatch also gives people the opportunity to discover the natural delights on our own doorstep, a subject Chris is passionate about.

“This is our backyard. It’s got some beautiful wildlife in it and it’s there for you to see first-hand. And if you do, you’ll fall in love with it. Please, help us to look after it.”

Here, he tells Kirsten Jones about the stories he’s most looking forward to…


Much to the surprise of a Welsh Winterwatch fan, these solitary, nocturnal creatures are visitors to his garden bird table. “I’ve seen a genuine polecat twice in my life.

They’re one of the rarest mammals in Britain,” says Chris. “We’ve been very lucky, as this man has done all of the hard work. The story is as much about him as it is about the animal.”

Winterwatch [PH]


Perhaps among the rarest mammals in the world, these Highland predators are seldom caught on camera. “We’ve been watching the Scottish wildcat using trip cameras,” Chris reveals.

“We’re going to try and get some hair samples to see how much of a wildcat it really is, as there is a lot of hybridising with feral cats.”


The Winterwatch crew teams up with scientists and Forestry Commission rangers to put fieldcraft and camera skills to the test while recording these majestic birds of prey as they return to their restored Scottish habitat.

“The eagle is the animal I fantasised about as a child,” confesses Chris. “We’ve had our camera out for a couple of months and I know we’ve got some cracking pictures.”

Winterwatch [PH]


These elusive members of the stoat family are extremely resourceful when it comes to storing food to survive the winter. And by using special eggs with tiny transmitters, Chris and Michaela hope to find their secret hiding places.

“If it works and they take the eggs, we’ll be able to see how far they travel and where they hide the eggs away from other scavengers,” says Chris.


Likened to the cuddly Ewoks in the Star Wars movies, these shy animals’ rutting season is in winter. Roving reporter lolo Williams will travel to East Anglia where, with a military- grade thermal camera, he will attempt to capture the action.

Chris says, “I’m envious that lolo is going to look at these animals – they look like a teddy bear with fangs.” 


Black grouse are among Mar Lodge Estate’s star birds. “I’ll be going to the lekking site with Michaela to see the males’ display to attract females.

It’s a remarkable spectacle to see these bizarre birds making this bubbling sound. Hopefully, we can see it on the moor, but it can be quite difficult – they’re shy,” says Chris. 

Winterwatch, Tues-Thurs, 8pm; Friday, 9pm, BBC2

BBC Winterwatch 2015 with the National Trust for Scotland - Shaila and the Red Squirrels

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