Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Wednesday, August 28

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign picking up the pace, while another shouldn't get sidetracked. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

Couple embracing the zodiac

Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)


You’ve been through a few difficulties and are moving, now, into a far easier phase. You will soon have more time to call your own. Take this chance to rekindle a hobby that gives you a lot of pleasure. Creative activities boost your motivation and you will find it easier to tackle tasks that have been causing problems.


It will be easy to get sidetracked at the start of the day. This can and will prevent you from getting on with your original plans. You have recently established a comfortable routine and you aren’t keen on changing this although you might get the impression someone wants to stir things up a bit.


Life is finally picking up pace and you will be both pleased and relieved to escape the monotony. You had almost lost faith in some projects ever taking off but now they’ve been given the green light and the future seems much brighter. Your optimism is soaring.


You’ve been going through a tough time, financially. It might feel as if most of your income has been swallowed up with everyday bills and settling previous debts. The good news is that a positive change is on the horizon. Some money that is owed to you is winging its way in your direction.


Some quick decision making will be necessary. If someone in a high place had taken responsibility for their errors, issues that crop up now could have been prevented. Don’t be surprised to find yourself tasked with improving other people’s amateur efforts.


It has exasperated you recently to provide services without receiving the respect you deserve. Even if you managed to save someone from making a big mistake, they have conveniently forgotten about this now that the situation has passed. Prioritising personal plans and interests makes you feel more in control.

Signs of the zodiac

Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)


You’ve been constantly on the go, trying to keep up with everyone and cramming too many tasks into too few hours. Start reaching out to your extensive social network and ask for help. You can’t do everything on your own. There are limits and it’s okay to accept this.


New work projects will take off at the same time as you are invited to take part in new leisure activities. It might seem like everything happens at once but you will easily manage to juggle it all. Getting started on a fun challenge will feel invigorating.


You’re confident enough to know now that your talents are worthy of recognition. You want your creative work to be appreciated. Accept an offer to showcase your skills in a public forum. Your creativity impresses a senior colleague. They will be looking to promote you to a more senior role in the near future.

Hands clasping the zodiac

Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Money received from an inheritance, reimbursement or insurance settlement will increase your financial flexibility. Despite anticipating this, you have always intended to be responsible with these funds. Your aim is to invest in renovating your home or buying some property. It gives you peace of mind to be a homeowner.


A strong partnership enhances your enjoyment of life. With the support of your closest friend or romantic partner, you find it easier to take a bold risk. You have a fantastic chance to chase after a dream you’ve held onto since you were young. Your other half will be there to fully support you.


You have appreciated the help of some talented people. This has enabled you to complete tasks you were struggling with on your own. Your admiration of a friend’s talents will help rebuild their confidence when they will admit that recently they have experienced a series of setbacks. Keep plans flexible at the end of the day.

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