Career coach says you should lie about three things in job interviews

Hilarious career coach Kay Bray has shared some top tips on how to score yourself some time off at work - and they're pretty controversial.

Woman interviewing man for job

Woman interviewing man for job (Image: Getty Images)

Have you ever stretched the truth in a job interview?

Maybe you've claimed a few extra A*s at GCSE level, or declared yourself fluent in French when you can barely scrape together a 'Bonjour'.

While it might sound slightly dodgy, one career guru has humorously suggested a bit of pre-employment fibbing could actually work in your favour, provided you handle it with a touch of finesse. Career coach Kay Bray, known as the 'Corporate Spirit Guide', took to Instagram with her tongue-in-cheek advice, leaving her followers rather baffled.

"Here are three things to lie about when you get a new job," she said, posting to her account @corporatespiritguide. "Number one, you have kids, no matter what. Those doctor's appointments that equals a lot of days off.

"Number two, you have two sets of alive grandparents - it's four funerals that you can attend if you need a day off. And last but certainly not least, you're a team player."

Kay's cheeky guidance comes nearly half a decade after a BBC report revealed that two in every five Brits had fibbed to take a day off work. This notably included 'pulling a sickie', a tactic more prevalent among the younger demographic than older workers.

Fast forward to 2023, and the CIPD reported that employees are typically absent for an average of 7.8 days annually - a significant jump from the pre-pandemic figure of 5.8 days. Stress is believed to be a key factor behind this increase, with 67% of cases attributed to excessive workloads and 37% to certain 'management styles'.

Delayed life at night with a smartphone

In 2019, two in every five Brits had pulled a sickie to get a day off (stock image) (Image: Getty)

However, Kay's unique take has certainly sparked a debate, with some utterly amused and others slamming it as 'disrespectful'.

One person wrote: "Please don’t use your grandparents if they have passed. I feel that is very disrespectful," as another chimed in: "I would never lie about anyone dying in my family. That seems like bad karma."

Another countered this, adding: "It's annoying how we have to lie about things like that just to catch a break omg."

Meanwhile, someone confessed: "My first job thought I was Jewish so I was always off on Fridays & Saturdays due to sabbath. My manager assumed because of my last name. You better BELIEVE I didn’t say anything."

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