Horoscopes today - Russell Grant's star sign forecast for Sunday, June 30

TODAY'S horoscope has one star sign full of doubt, while another needs to trust themselves. What else can you expect? Russell Grant shares his analysis

Couple embracing the zodiac

Couple embracing the zodiac (Image: Getty)


A group project may have been slow to get off the ground. At least it is on track now and you just know it’s going to succeed. You'll be pleasantly surprised by someone's ability to keep their promises; they're even more capable than you thought. Later, you'll have a great time on a date or at a social event.


A neighbour will accidentally reveal a secret. Be sure to keep it to yourself. At home, there's a warm and welcoming atmosphere with friends and neighbours coming and going. Later, you may need to be mindful of how you communicate with a sensitive friend to avoid upsetting them.


There may be times when you doubt your own strength and abilities, but you always manage despite obstacles that come your way. This time will be no different. You have what it takes to see your goals through and face challenges head-on with courage and determination. So, don't give up or let go of what you've worked so hard to achieve.


You hold the key to your destiny. Trust yourself, follow your heart, and make decisions that are best for you. Take charge of your life and embrace the journey ahead. Some situations may seem beyond your control, but in reality, it's a mix of fate and free will. You have the power to shape your own future.


You've got some fantastic money-saving ideas. Dealing with a financial issue related to social events or entertainment can lead to some complaints. Remember to take into account other people's feelings, even if you believe you have the perfect solution.


You’ve been so focused on professional ambitions that you've lost touch with your spiritual side. Spending time in nature will feel restful and healing. Try listening to music or meditating to reconnect with your inner voice. Remember, true happiness doesn't always come from material comforts.

Signs of the zodiac

Signs of the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Any involvement in art, music, or entertainment, either professionally or as a volunteer, will result in some pleasing accomplishments. Stay alert for the right opportunity to take action or share creative ideas. The effect this has on a team effort will be more profound than you anticipate.


Exploring new places will not be as much fun if you confine yourself to budget restaurants and accommodations. Treat yourself to a touch of opulence. Think about picking up a few souvenirs to remind you of this experience. A handmade item or painting linked with your destination will catch your eye.


Your involvement in a group or community event will thrust you into the spotlight. Even when you are a part of a team you can still find personal satisfaction through your efforts. Your energy, enthusiasm and productivity will astound people in positions of authority. Expect to receive an interesting offer before the day is through.

Hands clasping the zodiac

Hands clasping the zodiac (Image: Getty)


Be tactful in a disagreement with a partner or older relative regarding family matters. Making a sensitive decision about a family member or someone who is close to you might prove challenging. After some lengthy discussion a compromise will bring a positive resolution to the debate.


Keeping a hopeful attitude, even in tough times, can give you the courage and belief to conquer any obstacle you may face. Persistence and practicality are key qualities that will come in handy. Despite the chaos around you, it is possible to stay focused and bring order out of disorder.


Your partner can’t seem to do enough for you, these days. Are you single? You could meet with romance in a place you have never been to before and you will just know you will be returning there very soon. A loving encounter gives you fresh hope for the future.

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