International Kissing day quotes: Best messages, poems, greetings to send your loved one

TODAY IS International Kissing Day, an unofficial holiday celebrating all things love. Here are the best messages, poems and greetings to send your loved one today.

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Demi Sims and girlfriend Leonie Mcsorely snuggle together in bed

Each year on July 6, International Kissing Day is celebrated around the world, and this year for many it may feel a little different. With many of us separated from our loved ones due to lockdown measures, hugging and kissing friends and family may not be possible.

However, you can still celebrate International Kissing Day, by spending time virtually with your loved ones.

This can be sending messages, greetings and poems, using video chatting or just letting your loved one know you are there.

International Kissing Day was first celebrated in 2006 to commemorate the kissing which takes place between lovers, and to celebrate the place it holds in our society.

If you want to commemorate the day, below are some messages, poems and greetings to send to your loved ones.

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International Kissing Day: Couple kissing on bike

International Kissing Day: Today is International Kissing Day (Image: GETTy)


1. The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me? Percy Bysshe Shelley

2. Make me immortal with a kiss. Christopher Marlowe

3. Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents. Marilyn Monroe

4. My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

International Kissing Day: Couple leaning in to kiss

International Kissing Day: Today commemorate the kissing which takes place between lovers (Image: GETTY)


I have so many ways to prove my love for you, but on this day, I prefer to start everything with a kiss. Happy kiss day my love.

2. The best thing to wake up in the morning is your kiss. You make me forget the whole world with your kiss. I love you.

3. Kissing lets us fall in love with each other again and again and make us flawless in the eyes of each other forever. Happy kiss day.


Robert Burns - ‘Ae Fond Kiss’.

Ae fond kiss, and then we sever

Ae fareweel, alas, forever!

Deep in heart-wrung tears I’ll pledge thee,

Warring sighs and groans I’ll wage thee!

International Kissing Day: Couple sharing a kiss

International Kissing Day: Today, July 6, marks International Kissing Day (Image: GETTY)

International Kissing Day: Older couple kissing

International Kissing Day: Send a message or quote to celebrate the day (Image: GETTY)

Sir Philip Sidney, Astrophil and Stella Sonnet 79

Sweet kiss, thy sweets I fain would sweetly indite,

Which even of sweetness sweetest sweet’ner art:

Pleasing’st consort, where each sense holds a part;

Which, coupling doves, guides Venus’ chariot right

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 128

How oft when thou, my music, music play'st,

Upon that blessed wood whose motion sounds

With thy sweet fingers when thou gently sway'st

The wiry concord that mine ear confounds,

Do I envy those jacks that nimble leap,

To kiss the tender inward of thy hand,

Whilst my poor lips which should that harvest reap,

At the wood's boldness by thee blushing stand!

To be so tickled, they would change their state

And situation with those dancing chips,

O'er whom thy fingers walk with gentle gait,

Making dead wood more bless'd than living lips.

Since saucy jacks so happy are in this,

Give them thy fingers, me thy lips to kiss.

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