'I ordered Domino's pizza and was shocked by what I found inside the box'

A man was looking forward to tucking into a pizza until he discovered what was inside the box. He couldn't believe his eyes.

By Katie-Ann Gupwell, Senior Social News Reporter

margherita pizza baked food

There's nothing more indulgent than tucking into a pizza (Image: Getty)

A man ordered a pizza from Domino's but was left stunned when he opened the box.

The anonymous man opened up about the matter on Reddit where he told people he ordered a pizza from Domino's. It was the first time he had done it for quite a while, but he was surprised the meal wasn't quite up to his expectations.

In the post, he wrote: "Haven't had a Domino's for ages, they had some good deals for once. Never again that's grease not sauce!"

When you look at the picture, you can see he lifts the crust up to reveal the bottom of the box, which is completely covered in grease. In fact, it looks totally wet under the base of the meal.

You can see the box is dry around the edge, but soggy in the middle where the pizza has been resting. It's left a lot of food fans shocked.

Since the post was shared, it's got a lot of people talking. It seems people think a lot of fast food isn't as good as it used to be.

One person said: "The quality has massively dropped off, they all react to the loss of business by cheaping out on ingredients rather than reducing profits."

And another replied: "It's always been a hideous grease fest. This is not new, and the cost? People must be mad."

Some people pointed out the flavours people opt for can impact things though. Some toppings seem to be greasier than others, and pizza lovers noted this can contribute to the so-called problem.

One wrote: "The grease depends on the meats you get - stick to bacon, chicken, beef and veg and you’ll be fine. Pepperoni and meatballs just turn it into a disgusting grease fest."

Another chimed in with: "I've never understood this perspective. Pizza is supposed to be greasy. Cheese is greasy. Cured meats are greasy. Cheaper cheese doesn't have more butter fat, eg, grease in it. It has less fat.

"Maybe cheaper pepperoni has a higher fat content, though I can't say for sure normally it's has more skin and collagen. Normally when a pizza is that greasy its because you ordered some kind of monstrosity loaded with four types of different meats there is a reason that 90% of New York slices sold are plain cheese or plain pepperoni."

And another said: "People order ham, bacon, pepperoni, ground beef, sausage, hot dog, meatballs and cheese and wonder why it’s greasy."

Domino's has been contacted for comment.

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