Make ‘perfect’ and ‘crispy’ Yorkshire puddings with unusual item you’d usually throw away

The Yorkshire puddings are "crispy on the outside and chewy in the middle".

Yorkshire puddings

The clever hack is said to make good Yorkshire puddings (Image: Getty Images)

Yorkshire puddings are a Sunday dinner staple but too often they can be tricky to get exactly right. While the internet is full of all kinds of tips and tricks promising to make the ideal Yorkshire pudding, one viral video shows how to make perfect puds using an item you’d usually throw away.

TikTok creator @dismaldinners put the tip to the test after his followers recommended it.

“You guys are obsessed with telling be Fray Bentos tins make good Yorkshire puddings, so let’s give it a go,” the creator said in a video for his 36.7k followers.

Fray Bentos pies come in a tin which they can be cooked in, and are famous for their teak and kidney and minced beef and onion varieties. While it might seem unusual, there are even rumours that Queen Elizabeth II was a fan of the ready-made pie.

Typically, when finished with the pie, most people would recycle or throw away the tin it comes in.

However, it could actually come in handy when it comes to making good Yorkshire puddings, as the TikTok creator found out.

“Put the oven on full blast and grab yourself a mixing bowl,” he explained. “Crack two eggs, pour in 100ml of milk and 70g of flour before beating it.

“Grab your sad little tin, fill it with a tablespoon of cooking oil, [and] whack it in the oven until the oil is hot.” [SIC]

Once your oil has heated, be careful removing it from the oven so as not to burn yourself.

“Pour enough batter into just over the bottom before launching it back in the oven for 15 minutes,” he continued.

In the video, you can see the Yorkshire pudding rising perfectly inside the tin. “Well, would you look at that,” said the creator when removing the pudding from the oven “Crispy on the outside, chewy in the middle.”

The Yorkshire pudding was also described as “perfect” by viewers who commented on the video.

Another commenter said: “[I] never thought of that but how resourceful.” [SIC]

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