Rick Stein's classic potato salad is made with delicious seasonal ingredients

Potato salad pairs well with so many summer meals and Rick Stein's recipe makes it easy to whip up a classic version of it.

By Phoebe Cornish, Lifestyle Reporter

Freshness potato salad

Rick Stein's classic potato salad is made with delicious seasonal ingredients (Image: Getty)

There are so many versions of potato salad out there, with some recipes calling for low-fat mayonnaise alternatives, while others ditch protein-packed eggs.

But when it comes to the classic recipe, whole food and condiments make for the best results, as believed by Cornish chef, Rick Stein.

In an episode of his BBC show, Rick Stein’s Food Stories, the Padstow-based cook demonstrated how to make a delicious trout with chive dressing, served with potato and tomato salads.

Rick’s potato salad recipe is easily transferable to any summer recipe, thanks to its traditional roots. Whether served with a delicious barbecue spread, quiche, or cold pie, the salad comprises all the tastiest ingredients.

The chef’s recipe for success is to use earthy Jersey Royal potatoes, which are in peak season right now, and a complete mix of flavours; capers, gherkins, fresh herbs, and shallots rather than onion.

Potato salad with a garnish on a white plate

Rick’s potato salad recipe is easily transferable to any summer recipe, thanks to its traditional ro (Image: Getty)

Rick Stein’s potato salad


  • 1kg new potatoes, such as Jersey Royals
  • Two banana shallots
  • 2 eggs, hard-boiled
  • 1-2 tbsp capers
  • One or two gherkins/dill pickles,
  • Four tbsp olive oil
  • One tbsp red wine or sherry vinegar
  • Two tbsp mayonnaise
  • Salt and pepper
  • Small handful of parsley, chopped or a mix of parsley and tarragon or dill

First, rinse and scrub the potatoes under cold water to remove any dirt, then slice any large ones into halves.

Fill a large saucepan with boiling water and add the potatoes. Leave them to cook until fork tender, turn off the heat and lift the spuds out of the water with a slotted spoon.

Transfer to a colander or sieve to drain, then set aside to cool. Meanwhile, cook two whole eggs in the reserved potato water until hard-boiled (10-12 minutes).

Remove them from the water and rinse under cold running water for easy peeling, then remove the shells from the eggs.

Chop the whole, peeled eggs into small chunks and transfer to a large mixing bowl to assemble the potato salad.

Add a handful of finely-cut tarragon and parsley, then tip in the cooled potatoes.

Follow with the chopped banana shallots, a couple of teaspoons of chopped capers and gherkins, then add “a good dollop of mayonnaise”.

Stir everything together until combined and serve straight from the bowl with a large spoon.

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