All drivers should bring one item to petrol station this autumn

Drivers have been advised to put one item in their car to use at petrol stations, which studies have found to be one of the worst places for picking up germs.

Rear view of driver filling Land Rover with petrol

Drivers have been advised to bring one item to the petrol station to prevent feeling unwell (Image: Getty)

The vehicle financing company Select Car Leasing has warned drivers to be careful when visiting the petrol station over the colder months of the year.

Whilst many drivers are currently concerned about a potential increase in fuel duty causing prices to rise at garages, the company highlighted that petrol and diesel pumps are an easy place to pick up viruses.

Graham Conway, motoring expert at Select Car Leasing, suggested that it is all too easy to get a virus after touching a fuel pump, particularly as many petrol stations sell food.

He explained: "There are a host of regularly-touched items that fly under the radar when it comes to virus transmission, and one of them is the petrol station fuel pump handle. Not many people bother to wear the protective, disposable gloves available on forecourts when filling up.

"And it’s not uncommon for drivers to nip into the shop to buy a packet of crisps or a sandwich after filling up their tank. But habits like these can leave us vulnerable to becoming unwell when lots of viruses are in circulation."

Close up of driver holding a petrol pump nozzle

Petrol pump nozzles can be covered in bacteria, particularly during the colder months (Image: Getty)

Many of the most common bugs will survive for longer during colder temperatures, making humans more susceptible to them, particularly when touching objects in public areas.

According to a 2011 study from Kimberly-Clark Corp, fuel pumps were the most infectious items in six American cities, with residents more likely to pick up viruses from them than cash machines, escalator rails or vending machines.

As a result, it is important that drivers make sure they take precautions to prevent them from feeling unwell after a visit to the petrol station.

Motorist wears plastic gloves whilst filling car

To prevent picking up a virus, drivers should wear gloves or clean their hands afterwards (Image: Getty)

Graham recommended that drivers carry a pack of disinfectant wipes in their car that they can use after they put fuel in their vehicle.

He advised: "I would urge motorists to keep a pack of disinfectant wipes in the car so you can clean your hands - and any surfaces you might have touched - immediately after you fill up.

"Or at the very least, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly when your journey is finished."

Select Car Leasing also advised that drivers filling up at the petrol station remember to wear something that could protect them from bugs on the pump.

Almost all petrol stations will supply disposable gloves on the top of rubbish bins that can be briefly used to whilst refuelling.

However, it is also a good idea for drivers to carry some other form of glove or cover that can be used if the petrol station they are visiting does not have any of their own.

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