The frustratingly slow English roads where motorists average sluggish 13mph

As drivers are left divided over the roll out of 20mph speed limits, a new study has shared that traffic in many UK cities travel at even slower rates.

View of a traffic jam on multi-lane road in London

The study found that many cities in the UK have an average journey speed of under 15mph (Image: Getty)

A new study has found that many motorists are being forced to drive at significantly lower speeds than the imposed limits when travelling on certain roads across the country.

According to data sourced by National Highways, which assessed the flow of traffic between 2019 to 2023, drivers in many parts of the UK averaged speeds of well under 15mph.

Reacting to the average speeds, the vehicle parts retailer RRR, led by Ovoko, noted that many drivers are forced to travel slowly, particularly when travelling through cities.

It explains: "It is clear that driving on the speed limit, particularly in major cities, is challenging.

"Many urban areas are beginning to enforce 20mph speed limits on all roads for safety reasons, but most are moving around our cities at just 15mph."

Traffic along the Lewes Road in Brighton

Excluding London, the study found that Brighton had the slowest traffic in the UK at 13mph (Image: Getty)

According to National Highways' data, the slowest traffic in the UK between 2019 to 2023 was in Brighton, with drivers averaging just 13mph during their journey in the southern coastal city.

Reading and Nottingham also scored poorly for traffic flow in the study, with an average journey speed of 13.6mph and 13.8mph respectively.

Many have argued that factors such as an increase in the number of roadworks and 20mph speed limits have contributed to the slower speeds.

20mph speed limit sign on a narrow country road

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh recently encouraged local authorities to roll out 20mph zones (Image: Getty)

The figures come after Transport Secretary Louise Haigh announced that she will let local authorities decide whether they wish to lower the speed limits on roads in their area.

She added: "It's really, really difficult for local authorities when they've not got that air cover from Government. And not only did they not have the air cover, they had the Government actively working against them saying 'No, you're not allowed to roll out 20mph zones, no, you're not allowed to roll out LTNs [low traffic neighbourhoods]'.

"Those kinds of decisions should absolutely be made at a local level by communities and not dictated to or stoked up by the centre."

Whilst the Government are encouraging the roll out of more 20mph zones in built-up areas, there are calls to drop the lower speed limits across Wales.

Over 10,500 requests have been made to Welsh councils to reconsider the 20mph speed limits that were introduced to around 1,500 roads in September 2023.

Despite studies showing that cases of serious casualties and deaths have dropped by 23 percent since they were introduced, some residents have argued that the limit is too restrictive.

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