Five most scrapped vehicles unveiled with motorists able to earn over £250 today

The top five most scrapped vehicles on UK roads have been unveiled with iconic models from Ford and Vauxhall topping the leaderboard.

By Luke Chillingsworth, Cars Reporter

scrapped car

The most popular scrapped cars have been unveiled (Image: Getty)

Ford and Vauxhall models are the most common scrapped vehicles in the UK with motorists able to earn hundreds for ditching their vehicles today. 

New data from CarTakeBack revealed the Ford Focus was the most frequently scrapped car in June 2024. 

Analysis shows that models are worth an average of £280 - down one percent on the £288 average recorded in May. 

However, average prices tend to fluctuate with some owners set to receive up to £312 for parting ways with their classic Focus petrol or diesel machine. 

The Vauxhall Corsa is the second most frequently scrapped car, with motorists receiving an average of £215 for handing over their vehicle. 

ford focus

Ford Focus models are the most popular vehicle to be scrapped (Image: Getty)

Again, prices fluctuate, with some motorists likely to receive over £230 under some circumstances. 

The Ford Fiesta was the next most popular machine axed, with motorists receiving between £234 and £296 for getting rid of the iconic vehicle. 

The average payout of £260 is 11 percent higher than drivers received in May when the average stood at just £234. 

The Vauxhall Astra and Vauxhall Zafira rounded out the top five with motorists getting around £245 and £276 on average for deciding to scrap the machines. 

vauxhall corsa

Motorists are likely to secure £230 for scrapping a Vauxhall Corsa model (Image: Getty)

The British Metals Recycling Association (BMRA) is helping to drive awareness with many members of the public still unaware vehicles can be recycled. 

A whopping 65 percent of most road cars are made up of steel which is a recyclable material. 

Much of the remaining 35 percent is also recyclable, such as interior fabrics, leather, and dashboard plastics. 

Car tyres, batteries, glass, engine oil and even catalytic converters can also be reused or recycled into something else.

James Kelly, CEO of the BMRA said: “It is essential that, as an industry, we continue to strive to implement the most efficient ways to recycle cars and raise awareness of the de-pollution of both traditional as well as electric cars as more reach end-of-life. 

“Recycling cars helps to conserve precious natural resources and will be key in the drive to net-zero, not just in the UK, but across the globe.”

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