POLL: Should the driving age be lowered to 15?

A petition calling for the driving age to be lowered to 15 has received thousands of signatures, but do you support the idea? Vote in our poll and join in the debate below.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

teen driver

POLL: Should the driving age be lowered to 15? (Image: Getty)

Thousands of Brits have called upon the Government to reduce the to 15.

The Parliamentary petition has been signed by more than 86,900 people as of Tuesday morning, October 3. 

The petition claims the current law, which states drivers must be 17, is “unfair” and adds that “15 and 16-year-olds can be trusted to drive a car”. 

Teens can apply for a from the age of 15 and nine months but must wait until 16 before rising a moped or light quad bike and 17 before driving a car.

Britons also must wait until they are 17 to book a theory and practical driving test for a car.


The petition, which was started by Matteo Joseph Shirley, reads:  “I would like the Government to change the legal driving age to 15 because I believe that 15 and 16-year-olds can be trusted to drive a car and should be able to get a driving licence.

“I belief [sic] the current situation is unfair, and inconsistent with the Equality Act 2010.”

It is not known how old supporters of the petition are. Iit has received higher levels of support in regions including Bradford West, Blackburn, and the Hodge Hill area of Birmingham.

Should the petition reach more than 10,000 signatures the Government will be required to issue a response.

If it receives more than 100,000 signatures it must be considered for debate in the Houses of Parliament.

At present no European country issues individuals under the age of 16 a full supervised driving licence for cars.

So what do YOU think? Should the driving age be lowered to 15? Vote in our poll and leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

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