Britons call for existing smart motorways to be scrapped ‘immediately’ readers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Government scrapping existing smart motorways and reinstating the hard shoulder across the network.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

How do smart motorways work?

The by the Government due to cost and a lack of public confidence. Plans for 14 new stretches have been abandoned and the existing 375 miles will undergo a safety refit with the addition of 150 new emergency stopping places. A has shown a staggering 97 percent of readers think smart motorways should be scrapped entirely.

Smart motorway

A staggering 97 percent of readers think existing smart motorways should be scrapped (Image: Getty)

Smart motorways are reliant on technology to control traffic and make up 10 percent of England’s motorway network. RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said that existing smart motorways need to be made “as safe as possible”.

He said: “The possibility of converting all lane running stretches to the ‘dynamic hard shoulder’ configuration, where the hard shoulder is open and closed depending on the levels of traffic, could be one option the government considers.”

READ MORE: Smart motorway plans come to screeching halt amid safety concerns

In a poll that ran from 3pm on Tuesday, April 18, to 3.30pm on Friday, April 21, : “Should existing smart motorways be scrapped?”

A total of 1,760 votes were received with the overwhelming majority, 97 percent (1,699 people) answering, “yes”, they should be scrapped. In contrast, three percent (57 people) said, “no”, they should not, and just four people said they did not know.

In the comments left below the accompanying article, on the future of current smart motorways.

Smart motorway protesters

Many argue that the hard shoulder should be reinstated (Image: Mike Kemp/Getty)

Worst places to breakdown in UK mapped

Smart motorways up 10 percent of England’s motorway network (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The predominant response from readers in favour of existing smart motorways was having the hard shoulder reinstated. Username Lazy Git said: “Of course they should. Banning the installation of new ones isn't going to stop existing ones from killing people.”

Another, username tooold2care wrote: “Nothing ‘smart’ about them. They should never have been implemented in the first place.”

While username snowleopard remarked: A hard shoulder is a necessity.”

Username Bumpy Grollix added: “Yes and immediately before anyone else is killed or maimed breaking down on one.”

Rebecca Guy, Road Safety Manager at The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said: “It is quite clear that drivers want the return of the hard shoulder, and ultimately we need motorists to feel safe on our roads. That’s why we welcome the plans to shelve the planned construction of smart motorways and hope that money will go into making motorways safer in other ways.”

However, some readers commented that they should not be scrapped, with username astianax writing: “Smart Motorways are great but the technology has to change or improve!”

And username Truebrit said: “Unfortunately due to the volume of traffic I can't see them reducing the existing smart motorways back to three lanes.” 

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