Britons call for Liz Truss to cut fuel tax to help manage energy crisis

Fuel prices remain high and readers have demanded the Government takes action to slash tax on it.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Fuel duty activist calls on government to lower taxation

Liz Truss should make efforts to reduce fuel tax, according to a new poll of readers. Motorists are calling for the Prime Minister to cut fuel tax to help Britons manage high prices at the pumps and the cost of living crisis. Last week Ms Truss introduced a new energy scheme, costing £150billion, which enables energy bills to remain frozen at £2,500-a-year for two years. However, she did not make any changes to fuel duty.

In a poll that ran from 11am on Monday, September 12, to 2pm on Wednesday, September 14, asked readers: “Should Liz Truss slash fuel tax?”

In total, 1,137 people responded with the overwhelming majority, 94 percent (1,071 people), answering “yes”, Ms Truss should slash fuel tax.

A further six percent (63 people) said “no”, while just three people said they did not know either way.

In the dozens of comments left below the accompanying article it was clear readers felt strongly about fuel tax being cut.

READ MORE: Drivers demand Liz Truss slash fuel tax immediately to deal with fuel costs

Petrol pumps and Liz Truss

Liz Truss did not make any changes to fuel duty last week (Image: Getty)

One reader, username old git said: “Take VAT off fuel. It is wrong that tax is applied.”

Username travel2 wrote: “Yes, she must remove fuel duty from the fuel price.”

Another, username Will-l am Not said: “Yes at least until the UK is past the current energy crisis.”

And username uncivilservant said: “Higher fuel prices are a drag on the economy and if Truss is serious about getting growth moving she will cut the cost of fuel.” readers agreed with new research released last week which showed 96 percent of UK drivers think the Government should take action.

Nick Zapolski, founder of who conducted the study, said the cost of fuel is a significant burden on many Britons.

He said: “It's easy to accept fuel costs and almost be grateful that they aren't at the highs they have been in previous months. 

“But the fact remains that fuel prices are still extremely high, and an added pressure on families who are already struggling. 

“It's time for the Government to step in and reduce tax on fuel, to give British drivers the support they need.

UK petrol and diesel prices

Petrol and diesel prices remain high (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

“Our new Prime Minister may only be in her first few days of leadership, but we urge her to take these stats seriously and consider taking action.”

However, other readers argued that cutting fuel tax was not the right way forward. 

Username TooFatToRun said: “No. She should address the profiteering by the oil companies directly. Slashing the tax would just be an invitation for them to increase the price at the pump ro offset it.”

While username tt84 said: “I am for lower taxes as much as the next person. But on the basis that we have not reduced the national debt in around 15 years, how does it make any sense to lower taxes?”

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Kwasi Kwarteng

Kwasi Kwarteng is expected to deliver an emergency budget on Thursday, September 22 (Image: Getty)

In March, then-Chancellor Rishi Sunak declared a 5p cut to fuel duty for 12 months in his Spring Statement.

Mr Sunak described the move as “the biggest cut to fuel duty rates ever”. Costing the Government £2.4billion, the average family car could expect to save £100 over the year.

Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is expected to deliver an emergency budget on Thursday, September 22, and could announce further changes to fuel duty.

Fuel duty was frozen for the 12th year in a row for 2022 to 2023 and Mr Kwarteng is likely to continue this for another year.

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