Broadband and water bills support worth £3.3bn going unclaimed - see if you're eligible

Many low-income households are not aware this kind of support with bills is available to them.

By Katie Elliott, Personal finance reporter based in London

Couple doing home finances together at home

Social tariff support worth £3.3billion lost to 'unaware' households - can you claim? (Image: Getty)

Britons are being urged to check if they can apply for social tariffs to help with phone, broadband and water bills as billions of pounds go unclaimed per year.

A report by Policy in Practice estimates thousands of households are missing out, with the total figure of unclaimed social tariff support amounting to a startling £3.3billion.

The social policy analytics company suggested that amongst “complexity” and “stigmas”, the “clearest reason” why benefits might go unclaimed is that people are simply unaware of what, and how they can claim.

People may also be unaware that they need to apply separately for social tariffs and local support, such as Council Tax Reduction.

Deven Ghelani, director and founder of Policy in Practice commented: “This is not just about the money, it’s about the profound impact on people’s lives. Support from the social security system is a right.

Senior man checking bills at home

Many low-income households are not aware this kind of support with bills is available to them. (Image: Getty)

“The failure to deliver support to people who are entitled to it directly affects education, health outcomes and social participation for millions of people. We can’t afford not to close the unclaimed support gap.”

According to the Government website, social tariffs are discounted broadband and mobile deals for people on Universal Credit and other benefits.

It states: “These tariffs are delivered in the same way as normal packages, just at a lower price.

“Amid rising living costs, we’ve been encouraging more broadband and mobile companies to offer social tariffs to help customers on low incomes.”

People can also apply for social tariffs on water bills, too. Water sector regulator Ofwat says all water companies offer a social tariff for eligible customers to reduce water bills.

The WaterSure scheme is also available for certain customers with a water meter, which allows bills to be capped.

People can check if they qualify for water bill social tariffs using CCW’s table. Eligibility usually depends on annual household income and whether they claim any other benefits.

A large number of broadband providers now offer discounted social tariff products and according to Ofcom, prices currently range from £10 to £23 a month.

People can use Ofcom’s tool to check if their current provider offers a social tariff. Most tariffs can be applied for online.

If a person finds that their provider doesn’t offer a social tariff, they can switch to one that does.

People can also use Policy Practice benefit calculator, which is said to have helped “over half a million people” claim the support they’re eligible for.

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