Base rate held at 5.25% as Bank of England sticks to 15-year high - what it means for you

The Bank of England has held rates at 5.25 percent since August after 14 back-to-back rises starting in December 2021.

By Temie Laleye, Senior personal finance reporter with three years of experience specialising in the changes in mortgage and interest rates, benefits, side hustle success and personal scam stories.

Andrew Bailey

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Commiitte (MPC) have decided to hold interest rates at 5.25 perc (Image: PA IMAGES)

The Bank of England Monetary Policy Commiitte (MPC) have decided to hold interest rates at 5.25 percent.

Governor Andrew Bailey has stressed borrowing costs need to stay high "for an extended period" to kill off the threat posed by inflation pressures.

The MPC held rates in the September and November meetings after inflation finally saw a sustained drop.

There are now concerns that the tight monetary policy might be driving the country towards recession.

Economists have increased their expectations for the interest rate cuts next year as a result, with some speculating that the first reductions could come as early as June.

London, UK: The Bank of England on Threadneedle Street in the City of London

The MPC held rates in the September and November meetings after inflation finally saw big drop (Image: Getty)

While infation is down from the 41-year high of 11.1 percent which it hit in October 2022, it is still more than double the Bank of England's target, at 4.6 percent, and higher than in other rich countries.

It is forecast to fall only gradually over the next two years.

However, data this week has come in weaker than expected, raising the possibility that inflation will fall faster and that the Bank of England may have to change course sooner than it has suggested.

What it means for mortgages:

For the housing market, this pause in interest rate hikes may boost confidence. More certainty over mortgage costs breeds higher buyer confidence and property market activity. More potential buyers should start to feel confident about entering the market, potentially sustaining or even boosting housing prices.

Senior couple using laptop and paying bills at home

Interest rates have remained at 5.25 percent (Image: Getty)

Karen Noye, mortgage expert at Quilter said: "For those with mortgages, the picture is mixed. Borrowers on variable-rate mortgages gain a reprieve from immediate payment increases, which could encourage spending and economic activity.

"However, those looking to remortgage or secure new mortgages may still face relatively high rates and stringent lending criteria. Lenders however are likely to remain competitive, which could lead to more favourable rates for borrowers over time."

What it means for savers:

Tobias Gruber, savings expert at My Community Finance, said: “In the financial landscape of 2023, savers have emerged as clear winners, thanks to the Bank of England's strategic base rate hikes, compelling providers to offer more lucrative returns.

"Some credit unions, challenger banks, and building societies have commendably responded by diligently passing on these rate changes to their customers.

"I anticipate that big banks may regret not passing on interest rate increases as credit unions and challenger banks position themselves to attract dissatisfied customers. Particularly noteworthy is the shift among younger consumers, who exhibit little loyalty in their banking choices and prioritise the pursuit of the best rates available.

“Savings providers compete with each other, and when savers switch to get better rates, it spurs more competition and results in better rates for everyone. So, take control, ask more from your savings providers, and don't miss out on this opportunity before the best deals vanish.

“Compare your options among traditional banks, building societies, online banks, and credit unions. It's just like searching for the best deal on car insurance – the same principle applies to your savings.”

What it means for pensions/investments:

Generally, when interest rates rise, stock markets fall, which can affect the value of one's pension pot. But stable interest rates and economic growth could have a positive effect on investment returns.

Becky O’Connor, Director of Public Affairs at PensionBee: “A ‘hold’ decision offers welcome stability for pension savers and retirees alike, whether they are building up or drawing down their pensions. For those approaching or in retirement who have found managing their retirement and withdrawal plans stressful because of market ups and downs, this stability in monetary policy direction might offer some respite.

Higher for longer interest rates, combined with a healthier and less volatile global stock market presents savers with a broader menu of options for how to grow their money over the long-term.

For people with retirement money tied up in savings, it will be important to keep chasing decent rates, as high-paying accounts may not hang around for long. This is particularly pertinent as previous PensionBee research found that half of retirees could be losing out due to low interest rate deals.”

Additionally, Ben Yearsley from Shore Financial Planning explained people can achieve returns of six or seven percent from corporate bond funds.

“But to achieve a real return that beats inflation, you still need to include equities in your portfolio," he added.

Jatin Ondhia, CEO of Shojin, said: “The New Year always brings about a renewed focus on finances as people set their investing, saving and spending goals.

"Higher interest rates are likely to lead more people towards the wide array of ISA products available, but diversification will be another key trend to watch in 2024, with real estate a perennially popular asset.

"Diversifying one’s savings and investments can help hedge against economic volatility, and as the Bank of England continues along the tightrope, preparing for potential volatility next year will be on many people’s agenda over the coming months."

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