Pensioners have 'raw deal' with ongoing council tax bills as calls increase to scrap it

A recent poll has shown overwhelming support among readers in favour of Britons in receipt of state pension being exempt from paying council tax bills.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Martin Lewis explains how to check if you are due a council tax refund

Increases to council tax mean that some pensioners are forced to spend “around 30 percent” of their income on the bill. Campaigners have called upon the Government to abolish council tax for those in receipt of a state pension. A view shared by 93 percent of readers, a has shown.

Senior couple looking at finances

A staggering 93 percent of readers support pensioners being exempt from paying council tax (Image: Getty)

An online petition launched by Brian Hildersley, claiming that pensioners should be exempt has received more than 19,700 signatures. The petition on the Parliament website states: “We want the Government to abolish  for everyone in receipt of the .

"After a lifetime of paying tax, is abolished at retirement age. We believe should also be abolished at retirement.

​​“Some pensioners have to spend around 30 percent of their state pension on council tax, which can be an enormous outgoing.”

As it has exceeded 10,000 it is awaiting a Government response. At 100,000 the issue will need to be considered for debate in Parliament.

READ MORE: New calls for council tax to be scrapped for older people

In a poll that ran from 3.15pm on Tuesday, April 11, to 1pm on Wednesday, April 19, : “Should be scrapped for those on ?”

Overall, 8,231 votes were cast, with the overwhelming majority, 93 percent (7,654 people), answering “yes” in favour of pensioners being exempt. Whereas six percent (516 people) said “no” they should still have to pay, and one percent (61 people) said they did not know. 

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as .

Pensioner looking at bills

some pensioners are forced to spend 'around 30 percent' of their income on council tax (Image: Getty)

Many readers argued that would benefit from not having to pay . Username starmersflipflops said: “Yes, without question our pensioners get a raw deal.”

Another, username greyjaybee wrote: “It is a no-brainer. It is simply unaffordable to those existing on just the .”

Other readers commented that a full exemption would be unfair, with username alanp100 writing: “It isn’t fair on younger people if pensioners don’t pay our share.”

While username Wino Caz suggested: “It should at least be heavily reduced for those on .”

And username Sonofglendower agreed, adding: “Give them a reduction, let's say 50 percent off.”

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