Britons reject TV licence fee means-testing as calls ramp up for it to be scrapped

An incoming Labour Government could reform the £159 annual TV licence fee to be means tested.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

David Dimbleby says that TV licence system is ‘very unfair’

Shadow Culture Secretary Lucy Powell has said that a could reform the TV licence fee to be means-tested to help safeguard the future of the public broadcaster. However, a new poll of readers has found a majority of readers support the scrapping of the licence fee altogether.

All households that want to watch or stream live programming content must pay the annual licence fee of £159, which covers all devices. Some groups, including those over 75 on Pension Credit, are exempt from paying the charge.

The cost is frozen until 2024 and is due to rise in line with inflation until the BBC’s current funding arrangements end on December 31, 2027. The BBC had been funded by a licence fee since 1923 but a new deal will need to be made in the middle of the next parliamentary term.

Ms Powell said that Labour will set out to overhaul the licence fee and has not ruled out making richer households pay more. She told “The licence fee might not be the model you’d start with that everybody pays the same whether you’re rich or poor. But I think the core principle of everybody contributing and it being a universal service that everybody contributes is absolutely right.”

She added that they will also change the way in which jobs like BBC chairman are appointed to reduce political interference. She said that Labour is “very firm” in its commitment to having a “universally funded, publicly owned model” for the long term.

READ MORE: TV licence reform could mean licence fee is replaced with tax

Man watching TV and TV licence

Some 72 percent of readers opposed a means-tested tv licence fee (Image: Getty and PA)

In a poll that ran from 1.30pm on Tuesday, January 31, to 1.30pm on Monday, February 6, asked readers: “Should TV licence fee be means-tested?”

In total, 1,175 readers responded, with the majority, 72 percent (843 people), answering “no” against a means-tested licence fee.

In contrast, 26 percent (309 people) said “yes” it should be, while two percent (23 people) said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers shared their thoughts on the future of the TV licence.

The resounding opinion from readers was against a means-tested TV licence, with many favouring the BBC becoming a subscription service. Username jepb said: “They should offer a monthly subscription to people wanting to watch the BBC.”

Username BiRo agreed, writing: “We should have the choice on whether or not to pay for the BBC so a subscription service would be the best option.”

Similarly, username grimm remarked: “No it should not be means tested BBC should be a subscription service.”

And username wrathful said: “The fairest way for the BBC to get money is to scrap the TV licence…if you want to watch the BBC you pay a subscription.”


Certain groups could be eligible for a free TV licence [ADVICE]
BBC faces fury after spending licence fee cash on Begum podcast [INSIGHT]
Britons could get £1,000 fine if they break TV licence rules [REPORT]

Senior couple watching TV

All households that want to watch or stream live programming content must pay the annual licence fee (Image: Getty)

Lucy Powell

Lucy Powell said an incoming Labour Government could reform the TV licence fee to be means-tested (Image: Getty)

TV licence fee: The groups who can get a discount on their BBC bill - are you eligible?

The majority of households in the UK have to pay the £159 TV licence fee in full however there are some groups who can receive a discount and some who don't need to pay at all.

There are several groups of Britons who could be entitled to a reduction or refund on their TV licence.

Other readers agreed that the TV licence was no longer fit for purpose and should be scrapped. Username pintofmild said: “It shouldn't be means tested it should be scrapped.”

Likewise, username Bosniabill wrote: “Definitely not, simply scrapped.”

Username Made in Britain commented: “No it Should be scrapped altogether.”

While username nm2 said: “It should be scrapped completely and paid for by advertising.”

Family watching TV

Many readers commented that the BBC should become a subscription service (Image: Getty)

TV licence fee over time infographic

The TV licence fee is frozen at £159 until 2024 (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

However, a handful of readers felt positively about the , with one reader, username goodnessme, writing: “I know I'm in the minority but personally I think it's good value.”

While username psterling shared their thoughts on how means-testing could work, commenting: “The easiest way to help poorer people is to link the TV Licence to Council Tax bands.”

Executive at Recurly, a platform purpose-built to maximize subscription revenue, Oscar Wall, suggested that the UK could look to other nations to tackle the licence fee debate. He recently told “In Sweden, a few years ago, the licence fee was converted into an added-on tax as a small percentage.

“The licence fee used to be the same price for all, much as it is in the UK. But now because it is a tax, it can vary according to a person’s income – meaning those who earn more will pay more. People were more receptive to that, and it went over well to the extent it is no longer part of the public debate. There may be scope for the UK to do this, to make the system fairer.”

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