State pension age increase 'outrageous' as rise could cost each Briton £1,000 — YOUR SAY

A new poll of readers has found widespread opposition to the state pension age rising sooner than planned.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Martin Lewis shares tips for boosting state pension

The age is currently 66 for both men and women but is expected to increase in the near future. A rise to 67 is already planned between 2026 and 2028, and an additional increase to 68 could happen as early as 2035, some 11 years earlier than expected. A new poll has found a staggering 85 per cent of readers oppose the increases being brought forward.

The Government regularly reviews the state pension age under the Pensions Act 2014, to examine life expectancy among other evidence, with the latest decision expected to be made by Ministers in May this year.

The increase to 68 was scheduled to occur between 2044 and 2046, yet The Sun reports that the Treasury could bring this forward to 2035. This would mean thousands of Britons having to work for longer.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesperson recently told “No decision has been taken on changes to the state pension age. The Government is required by law to regularly review the state pension age and the second state pension age review is currently considering, based on a wide range of evidence including latest life expectancy data and two independent reports, whether the rules around state pension age remain appropriate.”

Increasing the state pension age one year earlier than timetabled could raise £9billion for the Treasure, according to LCP, a financial services provider. Yet Prime Minister and Chancellor have been warned they are “playing with fire” if the change goes ahead.

READ MORE: State pension age 'to rise to 68' within 12 years under new plans

Senior couple looking shocked at letter

A staggering 85 percent of readers oppose increases to the state pension age (Image: Getty)

In a poll that ran from 10:45am on Wednesday, January 25, to 7:45am on Friday, January 27, asked readers: “Do you support the state pension age rise being brought forward?”

Overall, 2,647 votes were cast with the vast majority of readers, 85 per cent (2,251 people) answering “no” against the state pension age increases.

Meanwhile, 14 per cent (379 people) said “yes” in support of the rises and a further one per cent (17 people) said they did not know either way.

Dozens of comments were left below the accompanying article as readers took part in a lively discussion on the pension age.

Many readers commented that the changing of the timeframe for pension age increases was unfair. Username rp53 wrote: “It is outrageous that they can now change the goalposts as they feel fit.”

Similarly, username SpocksBeard said: “They can't keep changing the goalposts, people make plans, this totally messes them up.”

While username 61worker said: “God no. We will have worked long enough. Give younger generations a chance.”

And username proudmercian added: “There are enough younger unemployed people who should be managed into work, therefore they replace older people tax contributions etc and avoid need to increase pension age.”


State pension age hike could lose Britons £16,902 [REPORT]
What age do you think the state pension should start? [VOTE]
Britons set to work past state pension age as ‘retirement not option' [LATEST]

Senior woman at work in office

Thousands of Britons will have to stay in work for longer (Image: Getty)

Senior couple looking at bills

The state pension age is currently 66 for both men and women (Image: Getty)

One in four older Britons could lose state pension under think tank recommendation

A recent report by the Adam Smith Institute (ASI) has suggested a radical new approach to how the state pension is paid.

As many as one in four older Britons would lose their state pension if recommendations by the think tank were to be adopted.

However, other readers argued that the state pension age should be increased as the system should not be relied upon for retirement. Username nyami said: “Yes! I retired at 56 years old and had to wait for nine years to get my state pension; adjust to 74 years old for a state pension, perfect!”

Another, username countryandtown wrote: “Everyone should be able to choose when they want to retire, they just need to plan and save accordingly. 

“I planned and retired at 55, the state pension should just be a backstop, so should start paying out at say 70. “

And username Ian s said: “Let them work longer because we've wasted too much.”

Senior couple reviewing finances

The state pension will increase by 10.1 percent in April in line with inflation (Image: Getty)

Retirement ages in Europe mapped

The UK state pension age is already planned to increase to 67 between 2026 and 2028 (Image:

In April the state pension is due to increase by 10.1 per cent in line with inflation, following Mr Hunt’s decision to restore the guarantee in his Autumn Statement in November.

The triple lock protects Britons retired population by ensuring that the state pension increases by the highest of average earnings increase, inflation or 2.5 per cent.

At present, the full state pension is worth £185.15 a week, while the basic state pension pays £141.85 a week. This will increase to 203.85 and £156.20 each week.

However, the increase is expected to cost each taxpayer £1,000 in the next four years, according to calculations made by the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

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