Benefit fraudster robs system of £51,000 over six years: ‘Picture tells a thousand words'

A WOMAN was found guilty of benefit fraud after getting over £51,000 out of the DWP over six years through unemployment and disability benefits.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Benefit fraud investigator discusses fraudster claiming over £50k

After a thorough investigation, it was found that not only did the woman lie about the extent of her disability, she was in fact employed as a cleaner. She had been receiving roughly £20,000 in benefits per year, but was found to have over £63,000 income that the could not contribute to her benefits.

Adrian Brewer, a benefit fraud investigator for the DWP, appeared on BBC’s Fraud Squad to share the story of this case he investigated. 

It all began with an anonymous tip through the telephone hotline, where the caller noted the woman was “not as disabled as she claimed to be” and was in fact working. 

For the past six years the woman had claimed unemployment and disability benefits, but apparently was neither. 

Mr Brewer shared: “Her claim form said she always used crutches, or if she went over 50 metres she used a wheelchair.

“And she was unable to take personal care of herself including cooking meals and cleaning her own property.”


Woman sitting in the dark

The woman (not pictured) had been falsely claiming benefits for six years (Image: GETTY/BBC)

Yet despite this she apparently had no issues doing the above for other people, so long as she was getting paid for her work. 

At the time the woman was receiving roughly £20,000 per year from her benefits claims.

However, Mr Brewer revealed: “We made a request via our intelligence unit to obtain her bank statements. The benefits are paid into the bank account but there did appear to be money going into the account that we couldn’t ourselves make an instant account for as being part of her benefits.”

Alongside the unexplained income, the bank statements revealed an array of purchases that no one would associate with a person on benefits. 

This included two trips to Australia. 


Adrian Brewer on BBC's Fraud Squad

Mr Brewer shared this story on BBC's Fraud Squad (Image: BBC)

Mr Brewer shared: “Over £63,000 in cash cheques had been paid in that did not relate to her benefits.”

Now fully in the throngs of an investigation, the woman was being surveilled to see if her disability would make an appearance in her daily life. 

Mr Brewer commented: “She was filmed and observed going to the bank, going to a couple of other shops and going back to her car carrying a bag full of shopping. At no time was she seen to use the crutches. The picture always tells a thousand words as they say. 

“They saw the lady take her dog out for a walk, no walking sticks, no crutches, no wheelchair.”

Now that it was clear that the disability claim was false, the team moved onto her unemployment claim and were able to identify three people they believed were employing her as a cleaner. 

Mr Brewer said: “We went to the first lady and it turned out that our particular lady had been there earlier that morning doing some cleaning and in fact had taken away some ironing to do at home ready to bring back the next time. 

“There was another lady having coffee with her and she said that our lady had also worked for her over a period of 12 months. Both of these ladies were happy to be witnesses. 

“We then went to visit a third lady and as we visited that lady we can hear hoovering going on inside the house. We knocked on the door and the hoovering stopped and the window was opened and our claimant popped her head out the window.”

Mr Brewer did not reveal who he was or why he was there to the claimant, however shortly after the DWP received a letter from her. 

Mr Brewer said: “A letter was received from our lady withdrawing her claims to all the benefits she had been claiming. One of the witnesses had probably told her that she had been required to give a witness statement and that she decided that she would try and withdraw her claims in order to try and prevent us taking any further action. 

“The fraud had been going on for close to six years. All the benefits added together was £51,293.86.”

Due to the extreme extent of the fraud, the investigation and subsequent prosecution continued regardless of the woman’s withdrawal. 

Mr Brewer shared: “After three years of painful investigation, surveillance, a lot of paperwork and decisions, the case was eventually brought to court.”

“Surprisingly, she pleaded guilty to all the charges. The judge said that the case was so serious and the amount of money involved was so much and had gone on for so long that he could only impose an immediate custodial sentence of 33 weeks.”

“Cash-in-hand payments are often thought of a way of avoiding detection but we have methods of checking these things and we can still find out what’s going on even if you’re trying to hide it."

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