‘Not for the faint heart’ - Four steps to financial independence and retiring early

THE FIRE movement is an aggressive saving and investing initiative to help people potentially retire as early as their thirties, but experts warn it is not as simple as it seems.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

The Retirement Podcast Cafe gives expert advice

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early, with the ultimate goal being to retire as early as possible, with some extremists saving or investing 75 percent or more of their income in order to do so. While it is not a journey that will suit every pocket, James Norton, head of financial planners at Vanguard, shared exclusively with Express.co.uk a simple four step guide to the life changing movement.

Mr Norton began with a disclaimer noting: “FIRE isn’t for the faint hearted. Spending as little as possible whilst saving aggressively requires an extremely disciplined approach and may entail making some difficult lifestyle sacrifices.”

The FIRE movement was originally inspired by a book in 1992 called Your Money or Your Life, and alongside being a financial guide, it also has some social commentary. 

FIRE takes direct aim at the conventional idea of retirement and the system that encourages people to only start thinking about it far later in life. 

Many in the movement understand that their extremely frugal lifestyle will reap great rewards, ideally saving or investing until they have 30 times their yearly expenses. 


Man calculating his finances

FIRE could offer people financial freedom but it does not bode well with everyone's situation (Image: GETTY)

Once this mark has been reached, some simply quit their jobs and drop into retirement in their forties or even their early thirties. 

While it may sound like an ideal game plan for life, Britons should note some vital aspects to look at before embarking on their FIRE journey. 

Setting clear goals

The amount a person needs for retirement will differ between each and every individual, depending on their needs, wants and expenses. 

Mr Norton suggested that starting with a clear, and realistic, savings and investment goal “is the first crucial step for people wanting to achieve the early retirement dream”.


Retirement ages across Europe

FIRE aims to combat the generic idea that retiring is only for those in their 60s (Image: EXPRESS)

He continued: “Since we’re now living longer on average, your retirement goals should account for the realities of an intended 50 years (or more) in drawdown, as well as inflation assumptions throughout this time.”

Be realistic

When it comes to planning financially for the future, now is not the time to be thinking idealistically or irrationally but it can be difficult to gauge how much money one will spend in retirement.

Mr Norton said: “Many FIRE investors have traditionally followed the four percent, or 25 times income, rule to work out how much they’ll need to accumulate for an early retirement.

“While it’s a broadly helpful guiding principle, this rule is actually based on calculations done in the 1990s assuming a 20-30 year retirement.

“FIRE investors aiming to retire at 40 could be looking at a 50 year+ retirement, meaning the four percent rule is likely to see them running out of cash too soon.”

He added that using the four percent rule and retiring at 50 will leave Britons with a 52 percent chance of running out of money by the time they turn 90. 

Those that retire at 40 will have a less than 36 percent chance of still having money by this age. 

Keep costs low

Saving so much of one’s income doesn’t come by just cutting out takeaways, but also looking at every fee, charge and bill that arrives, including those incurred through savings or investing accounts. 

Mr Norton shared: “Choosing a low-cost provider will ensure more money stays in your retirement pot.  This includes making your savings as tax efficient as possible.  Invest using a stocks and shares ISA to take advantage of your annual £20,000 tax free allowance – meaning you won’t pay income tax on any returns you make.”


With every investment there is capital at risk, but diversification is a tool used by investors to minimise the potential impact if a market crash does occur. 

Mr Norton explained the concept: “Diversification is the idea of spreading your portfolio across a number of different investments, reducing the risk of a single mishap ruining your returns.

“Maintaining a diversified portfolio made up of both equities and bonds across a variety of different countries will ensure your investments will be able to withstand market fluctuations over time."

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