Bank note warning as millions of £20 and £50 notes to become void in less than six months

TIME is running out for Britons to use their old paper notes as they will not be accepted after September 30, 2022.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Bank of England outline the security features of the £20 banknote

Britons have 161 days left to spend their old bank notes according to the . The £20 note depicts economist Adam Smith while the £50 denotes business partners James Watt and Matthew Boulton.

The Bank of England will allow Britons to exchange their after the September deadline. 

However, retailers, restaurants and services will stop accepting them. 

The paper notes have been replaced with polymer notes. 

The new £20 note features painter JMW Turner and the £50 note displays mathematician Alan Turing. 


Old paper notes

The old paper notes came into circulation over a decade ago (Image: GETTY)

The old paper notes were first released into circulation in 2007 while the new £20 polymer notes were released in June last year.

Once October comes, Britons will not be able to use the old notes and if they still want their money’s worth, they will have to exchange them.

People can usually deposit the old notes in their UK bank account, which is “the simplest and quickest way” according to the Bank of England. 

The Post Office may also accept old notes as payment or Britons can use them to deposit the notes in an account.


New polymer notes

The new polymer notes have more security features, making it harder to counterfeit (Image: GETTY)

The Bank of England will always accept and exchange old bank notes, which Britons can usually send to them through the post.

However, they cautioned that people using this method should “take appropriate measures to insure against loss or theft”. 

Using this method, the money will be deposited into the sender’s bank account or issued by cheque to the sender within 10 working days. 

If the exchange is worth less than £50 and the person lives in the UK, the Bank of England may just issue the same amount they received in new banknotes, but unfortunately cannot do this abroad.

People will also need to send some further documentation with the notes:

  • Postal exchange form
  • One photo ID
  • One proof of address.

The following valid documents can be used as identity documents:

  • Passport
  • Photo card driving licence - full or provisional
  • National identity card for non-UK nationals
  • Firearm or shotgun certificates. 

The following is accepted by the Bank of England as proof of address:

  • Valid photocard driving licence if it has not been used for proof of ID
  • Electoral register entry
  • Utility bill dated within the past six months
  • Council tax bill dated within the past six months
  • Bank, building society or credit union statement dated within the past six months
  • Most recent mortgage statement
  • Council rent card or tenancy agreement
  • Benefits book or letter from the benefits agency dated within the past six months
  • Telephone bill - but not mobile phones
  • Credit card bill dated within the past six months
  • HMRC tax notification dated within the past six months
  • Jobcentre Plus letter confirming National Insurance number. 

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