PIP myths debunked - how to give your application the best chance of success

THE NEW rates for Personal Independence Payments offer eligible Britons £156.90 per week, but certain misconceptions may be keeping some back from claiming their entitlement.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

State pension: People 'rely on the DWP' to get sums right

has a notoriously tedious application process, with applicants usually having to undergo an assessment to view their condition and how it affects their daily life. Benefit Answers shared their top tips for Britons to give their applications the best chance of success and debunked some myths that usually hold people back.

is divided into two parts, the daily living aspect and the mobility aspect, each of which have a higher and lower weekly rate. 

The daily living aspect is provided to people who have difficulties with daily tasks such as personal hygiene or making meals for themselves. 

The mobility aspect helps those who have issues navigating or moving around and Britons do not necessarily need to have a physical disability or condition to claim this part. 

In the claim form, Britons are usually encouraged to be as open and honest as possible. 


Woman filling out a PIP claim form

PIP has one of the highest application rejection rates for DWP benefits (Image: GETTY)

As the benefit is based purely on the difficulties that one experiences due to a condition or illness, it will not be in applicants' favour to accidentally or purposefully neglect to mention something they struggle with.

Benefit Answers also noted that it won’t bode well for Britons to over exaggerate their difficulties as it will usually be tested during the assessment. 

Because of the nature of some illnesses and conditions, people may find they are perfectly able to do a task on one day but cannot do it the next, to which Benefit Answers recommended people use how they feel the majority of the time to answer the questions on the claim form. 

Each question on the claim form has additional space for claimants to add further information they think may be relevant. 


Woman filling out a PIP claim form

Contrary to popular belief, applicants can get assistance at every step of their application (Image: GETTY)

This is where people can note that they are sometimes able to do the task but for the majority of the time they are unable to.

Additionally, this is one of the biggest misconceptions people have about the application process as many believe they should answer the questions as if it was their worst day.

Benefit Answers explained: “Very few people answer negatively to every single question in the form or find themselves 100 percent incapable of ‘anything’. Your assessment form will be reviewed by a real person at the DWP and they are able to infer when someone is answering questions as if it was the worst day they’ve ever had suffering from their condition.”

With all of this in mind the claim form and process for PIP can appear very daunting, but Britons can get assistance if they feel they need it. 

Professional help is available through organisations like Benefit Answers and Turn2us, and Britons can also get friends, family or carers to help them complete the form.

Benefit Answers actually recommended that applicants get a friend or family member to read over their completed form before submitting it to ensure there aren’t any inconsistencies, unclear statements or aspects the applicant may have missed out or misunderstood. 

In the assessment part of the application, assessors will gauge how applicants do certain tasks, giving points depending on what aids they need, the level of difficulty they experience and their safety whilst doing the task. 

To claim the lower standard rate of either the daily living or mobility component, applicants need to score a minimum of eight points. 

Enhanced rates require a minimum score of 12 to be eligible. 

Assessments can appear daunting but another misconception is that Britons have to face it alone. 

If needed, people can take someone with them to their PIP assessment to help and support them. 

The person will need to be aged 16 or over but does not necessarily have to be a relative or carer, just someone that will help the claimant be more comfortable. 

This support person is also able to take part in discussions in the assessment or take notes for the claimant. 

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