'Never expected it!' Pair make £70,000 in just six months - starting out with just £2,000

UNLIKELY business partners Ted Lawlor and Robert Hisee have created a six-figure business and became bestselling authors during lockdown.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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The pair started out as patient and therapist, as Mr Lawlor from South London was dealing with a severe bout of depression. Combining their talents and experiences, the pair created The Manifestation Journal and spoke exclusively to about the potential link between mental health and financial stability.

The journal has also garnered them roughly £70,000 in just the first six months, after starting with just £1,000 from each founder. 

Mr Lawlor had an adverse upbringing, coming from a single parent family in Bermondsey, he said: “The only thing that kept me going was the hope that one day things would change and I’m so glad the things I visualised are starting to come true.”

He added: “But I never expected it to see this level of success so early on!

“I expected the journal to do well as I did a lot of research into the competition and knew that our journal was levels above the rest as it’s got a reputable guide in Robert, a process backed by Science and so much more.”

Mr Hisee said the success of the journal was not just a financial achievement, but something he had always wanted to accomplish: “Thousands of kids are taught to be the same person at school which is good for work, but for happiness in life in general you need creativity and an imagination to keep reaching new levels of greatness.


Ted Lawlor and Robert Hisee

Ted Lawlor and Robert Hisee created the Manifestation Journal in October 2021 (Image: GETTY)

“I love teaching people to not only think outside of the box but to also climb out of that box and create their own box full of their dreams.”

Additionally, the pair have now been named best-selling authors, a momentous occasion which Mr Lawlor noted felt “unreal”. 

He shared: “After almost half a decade of working away behind the scenes with no real support, it’s been such a surreal experience getting real support and attention.” 

Mr Lawlor commented that the Manifestation Journal is “like no other”, noting that he tried a fair range during his mental health journey that he claims “were just expensive notebooks”. 

He said: “Our journal combines expertise with experience. I teamed up with Robert Hisee to share his decade’s worth of knowledge on the mind and the power of manifestation. My experience of beating a depression with manifestation was also leveraged to create a process that would be user-friendly and highly effective.”


Ted Lawlor and Robert Hisee

Mr Lawlor also hosts the If Only They Knew podcast aimed at young business enthusiasts (Image: Ted Lawlor and Robert Hisee)

Young entrepreneur Mr Lawlor, 23, was working a retail job he didn’t enjoy whilst studying a degree that he felt wasn’t providing any practical knowledge. He was suffering from depression so severe it began shutting down his immune system.

This wake up call prompted Mr Lawlor to get help, studying techniques like manifestation to help get his mind and body back on track. 

While he was relatively successful on his own, Mr Lawlor was still struggling with anxiety which led him to meeting his soon to be co-founder Mr Hisee, 44. 

Mr Hisee is well-known in the psychological field, and considered the UK's top unconscious mind therapist.

Mr Lawlor shared: “Because I had looked into studies on the mind before, myself and Rob instantly clicked and stayed connected after our first session. We both were looking into journaling for ourselves and just decided that the choices on the market were terrible so we just thought why not make one ourselves combining all of our experience & knowledge.”

Combining their perspectives, experiences and knowledge, the pair created The Manifestation Journal, a guided journal helping users to reprogram their brain and improve their mental health.

Mr Hisee shared how visualisation, a staunch point in the journal, is a big part of his own life, saying he visualised the journal being a best seller.

He explained: “I’m the author of this book and the author of my life, everything I do gets made twice - starting off as a thought.”

Mr Hisee explained this concept of everything being done twice, first inside one’s mind and then in reality, is a nurtured trait amongst some of the worlds’ richest figures. 

He explained: “What did Steve jobs, Elon Musk and Richard Branson all have in common? They’re all visionaries, they’re not just good self talkers. So visualise the ultimate outcome and your brain will guide you along the journey - so just enjoy it.

“You must have a vision of the outcome you desire, whether that’s the amount of money or the dream job you want. Then as you work towards the outcome, your brain will also kick in to support you.”

The pair shared that they have “real concern” that a worsening economic situation will see more Britons struggling with mental health difficulties. 

Mr Lawlor advised people “focus on creating a better future” instead of dwelling on negatives of the past and present. 

“We are all creators and we can create our futures starting from today. Whether it’s money or your physical health, you can improve your situation. Don’t worry about your current situation as you CAN change it if you know how, that’s why we started the journal to teach people how to do this.”

Mr Hisee added: “The journal teaches you so much from the RAS to the laws of the universe. It also teaches you how to focus on what you want and not what don’t want as that’s more important than positivity because I could be POSITIVE that I’d fail my exam.

"As mental health nationwide continues to worsen due to a variety of factors like the pandemic, the crisis in Ukraine and cost of living crunch.”

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